Transformation of the downstream sector: PRA Boss commissions Conex’s New Tanks – 30, 000 metric tons fuel storage facility

Chairman Brima Baluwa Koroma, PRA Executuve Chairman

Brima Baluwa Koroma, the Executive Chairman of the Petroleum Regulatory Agency (PRA), inaugurated two new 15kt (totaling 30, 000) storage tanks owned by Conex Energy Sierra Leone Limited. This marks a significant step in the transformation of the downstream petroleum sector through infrastructural expansion and a consistent supply chain.

Koroma emphasized that these new infrastructures aim to alleviate the storage and supply challenges faced by the downstream industry. He highlighted President Julius Maada Bio’s vision of transforming the sector with a primary focus on key areas.

“The new edifice will not only enhance the investment climate in Sierra Leone but also boost the economy,” Koroma stated. He noted that, in line with President Bio’s policy objectives, revenue in the sector surged by nearly 128%, from Le473 billion in 2018 to Le1.2 trillion in 2023. Koroma outlined the PRA’s strategic objectives, which include enforcing credible deterrence and ensuring meaningful consequences for operators who fail consumers.

Koroma’s vision includes transforming Sierra Leone into a hub for the Mano River Basin and extending its reach to the ECOWAS market. He called on industry players to collaborate in addressing long-term policy questions related to service delivery, economic stability, and job creation for the youth.

He revealed that petroleum importation increased by 52%, from 345 thousand metric tons in 2018 to 525 thousand metric tons in 2023. Annual sales and distribution reached 524 million liters in the same year, a compelling figure up 28% from 409 million liters in 2018, and projected to grow by 22% by 2027.

Alpha Ibrahim Sesay, Minister of Trade and Industry, praised the ongoing transformation of the downstream petroleum sector. He affirmed that the new tank farms by Conex Energy would raise the total storage capacity to approximately 215,000 metric tons. This expansion not only improves national petroleum storage but also extends the fuel replenishment period from the previous average of 2-3 weeks. “Today, the downstream petroleum sector in Sierra Leone has become attractive within the region, making it an appealing place for investors. The government will continue to support all players for national development,” Sesay stated.

Sesay underscored the national target for petroleum storage, aiming for 500,000 metric tons, including regional tank farms. He urged all oil operators to take joint responsibility for fire safety and prevention to avoid disasters at the terminal.

He concluded that Conex Energy Sierra Leone is entering its Growth and Expansion phase, with plans to roll out several new stations in 2024 and beyond.

Amadu Bah, Managing Director of Conex Energy Sierra Leone, highlighted that the new 15kt storage tanks have a landmark capacity of 11, 500 metric tons of fuel, surpassing previous capacities. He explained that the rebranding process was aimed at expanding storage capacity for the people of Sierra Leone, establishing the facility as one of the largest in the West African sub-region.

He expressed gratitude to the Petroleum Regulatory Agency and the Ministry of Trade and Industry for their continued support and oversight of the facility.

Oversight Committee on Trade Inspects Fuel Terminals, Urges OMCs of Quality Service Delivery

The Parliamentary Oversight Committee on Trade and Industry on the 18th,2024 inspected the Aminata and Sons, Conex Energy, Eco Energy, and the National Petroleum  (NP) Terminals in Freetown.

The Chairperson for the committee, Honourable Veronica Kadie Sesay said their visit at terminals is one of the key oversight priorities assigned to them by the House Of Parliament in order to ensure that Oil Marketers Companies (OMCs) are ideally adhering to the importation, distribution, transportation, and retailing of petroleum products accordingly with fair and competitive business atmosphere among OMCs.

Honourable Veronica Kadie Sesay told managements of OMCs that Parliament is one of the highest decision-making bodies in the country that checkmates the excesses and examines the successes of various investments in the country, noting that Oversight’s assignment is not about witch-hunting or whatever, but it is there to help streamline some of the strategic objectives of OMCs and to ensure that they are operating within the scope and context of what average Sierra Leoneans expect them to deliver.

“ As Honourable Members of the Oversight Committee on Trade and Industry, we are here to inspect the exceptional jobs and the expansion of additional storage facilities built by various OMCs and make formal reports to parliament with recommendations and action points. On behalf of the committee, I am kindly appealing to OMCs to maintain mutual and collaborative business synergies that will help improve the Downstream Petroleum Sector by ensuring it becomes very viable and compelling and try as much as possible to put an end to an artificial scarcity in the country and OMCs should continue providing quality services delivery in the country” Honourable Veronica noted.

The Chief Executive Officer of Aminata and Sons, one of the newest OMCs in the industry and a conglomerate from Monrovia, Mr. Mohamed Turay applauded the committee for their maiden engagement at their Cline Town Terminal.

On behalf of his company, he expressed his heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to concerned authorities within the Downstream Sector for their commitment to Amimata and Sons since the construction of their facilities and to the arrival of their first AGO vessel in Freetown.

CEO Turay assured the Oversight Committee on Trade and Industry of their fullest supports to Sierra Leoneans in boosting the fuel industry that will be comparable to the other industries in the Sub-Region.

Highlighting the success story of National Petroleum  (NP) in Sierra Leone, CEO Saidu Mansaray explained some of their major achievements in the industry over the years and some of the digital transformations and innovations that NP has planned to undertake in the shortest possible time.

Chief Executive Officer of NP said as the largest OMC in the country, they are poised to break barriers in the sector and to ensure that the consistent hoarding and fuel scarcity become things of the past, adding that his leadership compounded with what his predecessor exceptionally did, will always continue to maintain the deliverable status quo NP is being known for in the last decades.

He however told the visiting team that some of the challenges NP faces in the industry is the area of Forex, the poor road network, and the establishment of makeshifts closer to the terminal. He appealed to the committee to kindly look into their concerns and channel it with the appropriate authorities in parliament.

Mentorship and Betrayal: A Summary Journey with Mary Kaingbanja -TUMA ADAMA GENTO- KAMARA

I first met Mary Kaingbanja in January 2018 at a friend’s wedding. Mary arrived to do the test makeup and eventually, the wedding day makeup, even though she wasn’t the originally hired artist. I persuaded my friend to give Mary a chance, and she did a commendable job. During this encounter, Mary mentioned she was studying law at FBC and often saw me lecturing on Tax & Revenue Law. She expressed a desire for mentorship and asked for my contact information, which I willingly gave.

From that moment, I became both her mentor and makeup client. On July 22, 2021, at 20:10, Mary requested my assistance in paying her Law School fees. I obliged, and she successfully completed her Bar final exams.

Upon graduating from Law School, Mary joined Jabbi Associates as a pupil barrister. Believing in women’s and girl’s empowerment, I would take Mary to international conferences, fully funded by me, to provide her with valuable exposure. Our travels included Rwanda, South Africa, Algeria, and the United Kingdom, with all expenses and visas covered by me.

_I let Mary into my personal space, having access to my home and all that I have._ This was the level of magnanimity I accorded her. On December 12, 2022, I informed Mary about a supervisor position at the NRA’s Internal Affairs department and encouraged her to apply. She did and was hired in early 2023. Shortly after, I invited her to join my delegation for a trip to China to attend the Belt and Road Initiative forum, hosted by the President of China. There, she met world leaders such as President Putin, the President of China, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, and the President of Brazil.

In December 2023, I was invited to the ECOSOC meeting at the United Nations headquarters in New York. Again, I included Mary in my delegation. Her US visa issuance was delayed, so I intervened, contacting staff at Foreign Affairs and the Minister of Foreign Affairs to expedite the process. Despite the delay, Mary eventually joined the rest of the delegation in New York for the ECOSOC meeting. Apparently, I later got to understand that whilst I was facilitating her travels, Mary was busy devising ways on how to stay in the US and never return to Sierra Leone again.

Upon arrival in the U.S., Mary’s attitude suddenly changed. On the first day of the meeting, she had the nerve to inform me that her primary aim for an official trip was to visit her uncle in the US. I sternly brought to her attention that this was an official trip with limited visa validity and suggested to her that she return later to the U.S with a visitor’s visa. Mary’s behavior towards me further deteriorated. In fact, she did not attend the main session for which the travel was slated, and on March 22, 2024, she abruptly left our accommodation at 4:00 a.m. and later got to know that she went to her uncle. Initially, we could not reach her. I am saying to myself; what if something happens to her? After failing to reach her, I reported her disappearance to the police to prevent any repercussions first as head of delegation and then for the Institution (NRA) under whose purview her visa had been issued. 

Two days later, the police informed me that Mary was in Maryland. That evening, Mary left a derogatory audio message for me, threatening to go “extra” (destroy my image) for letting the Police know of her missing in the U.S. Mary remained in Marland abandoning myself and the delegation. On my return to Sierra Leone (still without Mary), I filed a complaint for insubordination according to the Authority’s Terms and Conditions of Service. Mary was queried by Human Resources Department and all she could do was to respond to an official query through a lawyer, an unnecessary move for an internal query. She maliciously and scandalously wrote defamatory statements about me, which she deliberately leaked on social media during my campaign for the Bar Association presidency.

I reported the leak to the NRA Board of Directors, citing violations of the Oath of Secrecy and the Data Protection Policy. The Board passed the issue over to the CID to investigate. During the inquiry, Mary rallied my opponents in the Bar presidency campaign citing all sorts of lies and malice, further distorting the truth. 

As I end this short narration, let me make it clear that I’m responding to this because of my name and current positions (NRA Board Chair and Bar Association President). I realize I had to set the records straight primarily for publishers posing to have reached me which they never did. In conclusion, I would say that all efforts to provide Mary with opportunities and mentorship went in vain. *I was repaid with trolling, ungratefulness, and betrayal, solely because she (Mary Kaigbanja) failed to achieve her personal goal of remaining in the US after our official trip.*

Chinese Medical Team Simultaneously Saves Lives of Three Injured Patients Involved in Severe Road Accident 

In a display of remarkable skill, teamwork, and dedication, the 25th batch of the Chinese Medical Team (CMT) stationed at the China-Sierra Leone Friendship Hospital sprang into action to save the lives of three critically injured patients involved in a severe traffic accident. The harrowing ordeal unfolded as the patients were rushed to the hospital with grave injuries that demanded urgent medical attention and expertise.

The immediate response by the CMT was triggered by an urgent distress call from President Sara, alerting the medical professionals to the severity of the situation. Upon arrival at the hospital, the CMT wasted no time in assessing the condition of the patients. The injuries suffered by the victims were nothing short of catastrophic: extensive lacerations, deep wounds, severe bleeding, low blood pressure, shock, multiple facial injuries, split lips, penetrating nasal injuries, uncontrollable bleeding, abrasions, persistent headaches, and rapidly rising blood pressure.
Undeterred by the challenges posed by the lack of water and power in the hospital, as well as the unavailability of operating rooms, the CMT swiftly organized themselves into three distinct groups to address the diverse medical needs of the patients. The first group, comprising orthopedics, general surgery, and ophthalmology specialists, focused on treating patients with extensive lacerations and severe bleeding. The second group, led by otolaryngology and general surgery experts, concentrated on managing facial injuries and controlling the bleeding in another patient. Meanwhile, the medical team collaborated with the Sierra Leonean medical staff to stabilize the third critically injured patient with extensive abrasions and escalating blood pressure.

Despite the challenging circumstances and the urgent nature of the patient’s condition, the CMT exhibited extraordinary professionalism, efficiency, and compassion in their approach to treatment. On-site local anesthetic surgeries were performed to facilitate wound debridement and suturing, effectively stemming the bleeding and stabilizing the patients. Concomitantly, vital signs were carefully monitored and maintained through fluid infusion, enabling the patients to gradually regain stability and hope for recovery.
The CMT’s heroic efforts did not go unnoticed, as they tirelessly worked for nearly three hours under intense pressure and adverse conditions to ensure the patient’s well-being. Their unwavering commitment to saving lives, coupled with their exceptional medical expertise and collaborative spirit, culminated in a successful rescue mission that showcased the essence of humanity and selflessness in the face of adversity.

As medical practitioners driven by a profound sense of duty and compassion, the members of the CMT exemplified the true essence of healing and care throughout the emergency rescue operation. Their actions not only underscored the vital role of international medical assistance in Sierra Leone but also highlighted the enduring bond of friendship and collaboration between China and Sierra Leone in promoting healthcare excellence and saving lives.
Looking ahead, the CMT remains steadfast in its commitment to enhancing critical care rescue training tailored to the local context, empowering Sierra Leonean medical staff with the knowledge and skills necessary to manage complex medical conditions effectively. By fostering continuous learning, collaboration, and innovation in healthcare delivery, the CMT aims to elevate the standard of patient care in Sierra Leone and contribute to the well-being and prosperity of the local community.
In an era marked by global solidarity and shared humanity, the heroic efforts of the Chinese Medical Team in simultaneously saving three patients injured in a severe traffic accident stand as a testament to the enduring values of compassion, courage, and excellence in healthcare that transcend borders and inspire hope for a brighter and healthier future for all.

Orange-SL sponsors Sierra Leone Innovates Tech Summit

The bustling three-day Sierra Leone Innovates Tech Summit kicked off in Freetown on Tuesday, drawing over 100 delegates from fifteen diverse countries worldwide. The vibrant gathering convened at the Freetown International Conference Centre, igniting discussions, brainstorming sessions and idea exchanges to shape the digital and technology landscape within Sierra Leone.

At the heart of this electrifying summit sponsored by Orange Sierra Leone is the vision to cultivate a vibrant and interconnected ecosystem that nurtures technological advancement, drives digital inclusion and infrastructure development, and empowers the youth to unleash their creative potential, thereby opening the doors to global employment prospects. 

Salima Bah, the country’s minister of Communication, Technology and Innovation, passionately champions these initiatives towards enabling the country’s technological progression.

The primary objective of this summit is to position Sierra Leone as a trailblazing technology and innovation hub, spotlighting countless opportunities and a supportive environment conducive to business expansion, she said. The ambition is to project Sierra Leone as a sought-after destination that fosters innovation, incubation, and accelerated growth, thus heralding a new era of transformative possibilities.

With unwavering enthusiasm, Ms. Bah emphasized how this summit would fuel entrepreneurship by implementing forward-thinking policies and robust mechanisms, equipping businesses with the tools to thrive amidst the ever-evolving market landscapes. 

“We’re charting a course for Sierra Leone’s Tech Future,” Minister Bah declares. 

Excitement filled the air at the summit as Starlink made its official debut in Sierra Leone, marking the country as the 100th market for the renowned global satellite internet network. 

In a captivating keynote address, President Julius Maada Bio underscored Sierra Leone’s pivotal role in shaping the digital landscape of the future, urging the nation to transcend the confines of mere end-users in the 4th Industrial Revolution and seize the boundless opportunities technology offers to revolutionize service delivery.

President Bio lauded his government’s strides in fostering innovation and technology, from the establishment of the Directorate of Science, Technology and Innovation to the pioneering Ministry of Communication, Technology and Innovation. He highlighted transformative initiatives such as the Fintech Sandbox program and the establishment of the first Drone Corridor in West Africa. The president underscored the pivotal role of technology in enhancing social services across education, health, financial services and beyond, emphasizing that innovation must not merely captivate but fundamentally enhance service delivery.

Addressing the nation’s crossroads of challenges and opportunities, President Bio emphasized the critical role of leveraging technology to navigate the unfolding digital ecosystem. 

He said: “Sierra Leone, like many other countries in the region, stands at a crossroad of unprecedented opportunities but equally faced with daunting challenges. Since we cannot eliminate ourselves from the digital ecosystem, we must position ourselves to explore the opportunities that these innovations and technologies present.” 

A highlight of the summit was the presentation of tech companies’ solutions, including Sierra Leone’s ambitious Tech City project, capturing the essence of the country’s forward-thinking approach.

President Bio further engaged in a tour of Sierra Leone’s digital prowess at various exhibition booths, with Orange Mobile Company shining brightly on his radar. The summit continues to buzz with energy, featuring a lineup of exhibitions, panel discussions, and presentations. Notably, Orange Sierra Leone, a key sponsor, will host curated sessions offering aspiring innovators, students, and entrepreneurs hands-on experiences with the company’s cutting-edge products and services. Participants can seize opportunities for scholarships in professional web design courses and enriching learning experiences through Cusera.

The summit pulsates with energy and excitement, offering a platform for collaboration, innovation, and inspiration that transcends borders and propels Sierra Leone towards a brighter technological future.

Parliament exonerates Gento Group of Companies

By Fadda Bakish

Mohamed Gento Kamara, CEO of Gento Group of Companies…exonerated

In a significant development following a thorough investigation by the Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee (PAC), chaired by Hon. Ibrahim Tawa Conteh, the Gento Group of Companies has been exonerated of any wrongdoing related to their contractual engagements with the government. The exhaustive hearing, held to address discrepancies in the Auditor General’s Report of 2022, shed light on key findings that absolved the Gento Group of any malfeasance or irregularities. However, in a separate development, Kemokai Fatoma, Director of Foreign Debt Performance at the Ministry of Finance, was fined NLE 5,000 for a lapse in providing essential documentation to auditors, prompting reflections on the importance of accurate record-keeping and transparency in governmental affairs.

As the PAC delved into the intricacies of the Auditor General’s Report of 2022, the spotlight fell on Mohamed Gento Kamara, whose name surfaced in the audit report despite not being classified as an Auditee. Clarifications were sought regarding this discrepancy, leading to a comprehensive examination of the underlying issues necessitating elucidation. Ing. Alfred Jalil Momodu, the Director General of the Sierra Leone Roads Authority (SLRA), provided crucial insights during the hearing, emphasizing that the suspension of works was a deliberate decision outlined in several official meetings. He underscored the rigorous technical audit commissioned during the governmental transition phase, highlighting the subsequent lifting of suspensions on certain project authorities following meticulous reviews.

Director Kemokai Fatoma elucidated on the rationale behind the cancellation of projects due to outstanding contractor payments, attributing the subsequent reactivation of activities to the Gento Group of Companies’ unwavering commitment to project continuity post-initial remuneration. Notably, he detailed the financing dynamics wherein the contractor continued operations based on the Road Maintenance Fund Administration’s initial disbursement, subsequently transitioning payment channels to the Finance Ministry for sustained project execution. Crucially, the submission of IPC 1A post-verification by SLRA testified to the contractor’s diligent progress and adherence to contractual obligations.

However, the narrative took a twist when Director Fatoma acknowledged inadvertent errors in document compilation, leading to the propagation of inaccuracies and misconceptions surrounding the Gento Group of Companies’ involvement. The subsequent clarification that the discrepancies stemmed from inadvertent copy-paste actions, compounded by typographical oversights, underscored the critical role of precise documentation and quality control in governmental audits and assessments. While conceding the gravity of the errors, the Finance Ministry official attributed the lapses to administrative shortcomings rather than intentional misrepresentation.
Hon. Ibrahim Tawa Conteh’s stern admonition against substandard practices emphasized the imperative of upholding accuracy and integrity in official transactions, cautioning against complacency or negligence in vital financial disclosures. Murrie Lansana, Assistant Auditor General, candidly acknowledged the ramifications of erroneous information relayed by governmental bodies, lamenting the unintended consequences that marred the credibility of the audit report. Highlighting the need for meticulous scrutiny and verification processes, Lansana echoed the sentiment that rectifying inaccuracies and issuing formal clarifications to affected parties were paramount in upholding professional standards.
The PAC’s deliberations delved into the broader repercussions of such oversights, with Hon. Aaron Koroma underscoring the adverse effects on investor confidence and public perceptions engendered by erroneous data and flawed assessments. Stressing the importance of rectifying the misinformation and issuing formal retractions, Koroma advocated for transparent communications between governmental entities and contractors to rectify the misjudgments that tainted the audit process. As the committee moved towards remedial actions, Hon. Tawa Conteh directed the imposition of a fine on Director Kemokai Fatoma for his roles in the documentation mishaps, signaling a firm stance against lapses in official duties.
In a culmination of the proceedings, Hon. Tawa Conteh affirmed the exoneration of the Gento Group of Companies from any wrongdoing, attributing the discrepancies to procedural lapses and inadvertent errors rather than deliberate malfeasance. Emphasizing the importance of ethical conduct and diligent oversight in governmental operations, Conteh prescribed corrective measures to reinforce accountability and transparency within the financial administration framework. The prescribed fines and rectifications served as a poignant reminder of the inherent responsibilities borne by public officials in safeguarding the public trust and upholding the integrity of financial procedures.
As the chapter closed on the parliamentary inquiry into the Auditor General’s Report of 2022, the exoneration of the Gento Group of Companies served as a testament to the power of diligent scrutiny, corrective action, and institutional transparency.

President Bio Receives New Directors of Sierra Leone Bar Association

His Excellency President Dr Julius Maada Bio has received Directors of the Sierra Leone Bar Association, under the leadership of Tuma Adama Gento-Kamara, who paid a courtesy call to present their plans and express their desire to collaborate with the government on national issues. 

As President of the Bar Association, Tuma Adama Gento-Kamara introduced the new directors and thanked the President for his progressive legal reforms, including the abolition of the death penalty and the enactment of the Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Act. 

She also shared their aspirations, which were underpinned by her campaign pledge to raise standards, promote welfare, and empower lawyers. She requested the government’s support for postgraduate scholarship opportunities for lawyers and the provision of suitable land to construct a Bar Association Secretariat. She also highlighted her commitment to establishing a private pension scheme for Bar Association members. 

President Julius Maada Bio, while congratulating the new directors, underscored the importance of professional bodies in maintaining their independence from national politics and advised that leadership was about providing direction.

He assured the new directors of the government’s support to fulfill their aspirations for members of the Bar Association. He, however, admonished them to work in the best interest of their members and expressed the hope of a constructive engagement with the new directors on national issues. 

Statement from the Sierra Leone Ports and Harbours Authority (SLPHA) Regarding Recent Industry Incident

The Sierra Leone Ports and Harbours Authority (SLPHA) has become aware of various reports circulating on electronic and social media platforms concerning an incident that tragically resulted in the death of a Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) employee, Mr. John Conteh (RIP).

Considering the misconceptions surrounding this incident, SLPHA would like to clarify the circumstances and provide accurate information regarding the unfortunate event that occurred at the Exclusive Concession Zone of Freetown Terminal Limited (FTL), which allegedly led to the accidental death of Mr. Conteh.

  1. Safety Measures

The Queen Elizabeth II Quay is a high-traffic operational area involving heavy trucks, machinery, and cargo. Due to the nature of these activities, accidents can unfortunately occur. As a standard policy, we emphasize the importance of personal protective equipment (PPE) for all personnel and users of the facility. Access to operational areas is strictly regulated always requiring proper safety gear.

  1. Production of CCTV Footage

Contrary to recent reports, the SLPHA clarifies that it does not possess CCTV footage of the specific area where the incident occurred. Requests for such footage from SLPHA are therefore inaccurate. However, the appropriate authorities have been directed to liaise with FTL to obtain any relevant CCTV footage.

  1. Measures Taken by SLPHA

The Management of SLPHA has engaged with MSC, FTL, and the Sierra Leone Police to ensure transparency, accountability, and a thorough investigation of the incident. Furthermore, MSC and FTL leadership have been directed to fully cooperate with the authorities and provide any necessary information to aid the investigation.


The SLPHA extends its heartfelt condolences to the family of Mr. John Conteh. We assure them, and all concerned parties, of our full cooperation and support in the ongoing investigations. We encourage the public and all interested parties to approach this incident with sensitivity, provide support to the affected family, and continue to uphold rigorous safety protocols at the Freetown Port.



Opinion: Labor standards mortgaged? Modern-day slavery at Leone Rock Metal Group

By Fadda Bakish

The Leone Rock Metal Group (LRMG) Mining Company, particularly at the Tonkolili Mining Site, has come under intense scrutiny and criticism for its alleged poor treatment of local staff members. Reports emerging from the site paint a troubling picture of inadequate working conditions, substandard services, and disrespectful behavior towards national employees by Chinese supervisors.
According to multiple accounts, employees at the Tonkolili Mining Site have been subjected to dismal conditions of service, including low salary wages, insufficient food provisions, and a lack of basic amenities. Shockingly, there have been reports of staff being terminated simply for requesting salary increases, a move that has sparked outrage among workers and labor rights advocates.
The alarming state of medical services provided to the workforce further compounds the issue, with reports indicating that employees are forced to rely on impure water from nearby communities due to the lack of clean water facilities on-site. This not only jeopardizes the health and well-being of the workers but also underscores the company’s disregard for essential employee welfare.
Of particular concern is the apparent disparity in treatment between local staff and Chinese workers within the company. There have been claims that the company prioritizes appeasing Paramount Chiefs, government officials, and Members of Parliament over ensuring the welfare of its junior staff, many of whom reportedly suffer from injuries and discomfort due to the working conditions.
Despite promises of salary increases by the government, Leone Rock management has allegedly reneged on these commitments, reducing the raises from the initially proposed 30% to levels as low as 15%. Sub-contractors affiliated with Leone Rock Mining Company also stand accused of failing to adequately compensate their staff, perpetuating a cycle of exploitation and mistreatment.
Furthermore, reports have surfaced regarding the dubious immigration practices at LRMG, with allegations of a significant number of Chinese workers circumventing official procedures and being transported directly to the site by train. This raises serious concerns about the prevalence of Chinese personnel within the company and their involvement in tasks that could otherwise be assigned to qualified local staff members.
In response to these allegations, the Human Director of Leone Rock Metal Group, Mohamed Daffae, vehemently denied any wrongdoing during a press briefing at the company’s headquarters in Freetown. Daffae maintained that LRMG operates in full compliance with Sierra Leonean laws and regulations, emphasizing that all foreign workers employed by the company possess valid Work and Residential Permits.
However, despite Daffae’s assertions of compliance and non-discrimination, the prevailing reports of mistreatment and exploitation of local staff members paint a troubling picture of the work environment at Leone Rock’s Tonkolili Mining Site. The disparity between the company’s public statements and the lived experiences of its workforce raises questions about transparency, accountability, and corporate responsibility within the mining industry.
As stakeholders continue to monitor the situation at the Tonkolili Mining Site, it is imperative for LRMG and other mining companies operating in Sierra Leone to prioritize the well-being and fair treatment of their employees, uphold labor standards, and foster a culture of respect and equity within their organizations. Only through genuine collaboration and mutual respect can the mining industry truly contribute positively to the socio-economic development of the nation and its people.

Chinese Medics Restore Vision to 92-Year-Old Cataract Patient

In a heartwarming medical breakthrough that has captured the attention and admiration of communities across Sierra Leone, the 25th batch of the Chinese Medical Team (CMT) stationed in the country achieved a remarkable feat by successfully restoring the vision of a 92-year-old cataract patient. The touching story of Hajha, a grandmother who had lived in darkness due to advanced cataracts, serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration for individuals grappling with sight loss in Sierra Leone.
Situated near the equator, Sierra Leone faces a high prevalence of cataracts due to intense ultraviolet radiation exposure, which often leads to the development of mature and complex cataracts in patients. Tragically, many individuals delay seeking treatment until their condition has progressed to an irreversible stage, resulting in significant visual impairment or blindness. The intricate nature of mature cataract surgeries further complicates the treatment process, particularly when dealing with elderly patients and communication barriers.
Hajha, a resilient 92-year-old woman, found herself at a crossroads when her deteriorating vision threatened to rob her of the simple joys of daily life. Her journey to the China-Sierra Leone Friendship Hospital introduced her to Associate Professor Liu Dan, an esteemed ophthalmologist from Xiangya Hospital who specializes in cataract surgery. Dr. Liu approached Hajha’s case with precision and compassion, devising a personalized surgical plan to address her advanced cataracts.
With her left eye successfully treated in a meticulous procedure, Hajha experienced the joy and wonder of restored vision, a gift that transformed her everyday activities. Playfully remarking on her newfound ability to assist her family in peeling onions, Hajha’s spirit and enthusiasm shone brightly, illuminating the path toward renewed independence and vitality. Encouraged by the positive outcomes of the initial surgery, she expressed her desire for Dr. Liu to perform the same procedure on her right eye, a request that was promptly granted.
The recent completion of cataract surgery on Hajha’s right eye marked a momentous occasion not only for the patient and her loved ones but for the entire medical team dedicated to combating blindness in Sierra Leone. Recognizing the critical role that vision plays in enhancing the quality of life and fostering independence, Dr. Liu and his colleagues meticulously carried out the procedure, culminating in another successful restoration of vision for Hajha.
Cataracts represent the leading cause of blindness on a global scale, with over two million Africans affected by this condition according to data from the World Health Organization. Alarmingly, only a small percentage of these individuals receive the necessary surgical interventions to address their sight loss, underscoring the urgent need for increased access to quality eye care services in the region.
The unwavering commitment and expertise of the Chinese Medical Team stationed at the China-Sierra Leone Friendship Hospital have yielded tangible results in the form of restored vision and renewed hope for countless elderly cataract patients in Sierra Leone. As the team continues its noble mission of providing sight-saving surgeries and comprehensive eye care to those in need, they do so with a shared dedication to illuminating the path toward a brighter future for individuals affected by blindness.
In the face of darkness, the CMT stands as a beacon of light and compassion, delivering life-changing treatments and instilling optimism in the hearts of patients like Hajha, whose journey from sightlessness to vision serves as a powerful testament to the transformative impact of medical excellence and humanitarianism. With each successful surgery, the CMT reaffirms its commitment to marching forward toward the light, dispelling shadows of doubt and uncertainty as they bring sight and hope to those navigating the challenges of cataract-induced blindness.