“We to reduce prices, we have to reduce the dollar, we have the cared agenda to go about it. I must admit there must have been mistakes in those situations but this will be a thing of the past and we can stabilize this place in the next three months, as quickly as possible after the elections that will bring all those variables down. But in a more structured and maintained manner, until you reduce food production you cannot it is not easy o increase the balance of trade,” says the Chief Minister, Jacob Jusu Saffa on the radio. He boasted that they have the governance structure and technology capital and infrastructure to produce the necessary that will develop the human capital. S[peaking on the big five manifesto agenda, he said they have big enablers, which are the public service and the infrastructure. “When once you get these ones you will produce food, develop the human capital and produce the jobs and definitely you will have the bread and butter.

It could be recalled during the 2017 elections campaign, Saffa was on record assuring Sierra Leoneans that his government will address bread-and-butter issues in six months when voted in. After five years in office, it os evidently clear that his government has failed to put in place sound economic development policies that will address the promised bread and butter. Citizens are now left wallowing in the wilderness with prices of basic commodities skyrocketing on a daily basis.

You promised to fix the economy in 6 months in 2018

That economy has gone out of hand with the masses almost starving within 5 years.

The citizens will not fall for this scam a second time, God forbid. 

“Are you not even ashamed of yourself to face the electorate with the same hopeless and disgusting FAKE campaign promises a second with impunity?” an aggrieved citizen stated. FE Howard Jr. stated on his Facebook page that “Mr fake Bread and Butter is now promising that the failed SLPP will fix the economy after elections. They are fake promises. SLPP has failed hopelessly and must be voted out. It’s been a 200 percent loss in value of the Leone, under Bio’s SLPP- from 8 thousand Leones for 1 US dollar to now 25 thousand Leones for 1 US. Unemployment is up from 70 percent to now over 80 percent. Police brutality at an all-time high. College fees have more than tripled. The price of a bag of rice stood at 750 thousand Leones as opposed to 240 thousand Leones when Bio took office.”

The country records an inflation rate of 27.2% in 2022. the said figure almost doubled as of April 2023 with an Inflation Rate at 43.05 percent, Food Inflation at 52.33 percent Consumer Price Index (CPI) Transportation at 141.96 points CPI Housing Utilities at 138.11 points, Consumer Price Index Cpi at 160.00 points, Credit Rating at 15.00, Population at 8.42 Million, etc. The above figures show that JJ Saffa’s government led by President Bio has not done much to address the promised bread-and-butter issues. His recent public outburst on the radio, promising to fix the economy in the next three months after elections is something Sierra Leoneans have frowned at and describing it as another deceitful move to canvas vote for re-election. Saffa, who served as Finance Minister before he was elevated to his current Chief Minister position, is alleged to be another Textbook Economist just like the (AWOL) former Bank Governor, whose economic policies are nothing good to write home about. The former Bank Governor’s re-denomination currency policy has contributed to heaping more economic burden on the suffering people.

An Economist, Prince Jacob Macauley, prior to the introduction of the redenomination of the Leone, had warned the Bank Governor and the government that such a policy will be counter-productive, adding that the “new currency is dead on arrival”, mainly because the conditions for a redenomination are not available. The World Bank’s Economic Overview on Sierra Leone stated that “Despite a decrease in global food and fuel prices, inflation worsened due to the depreciation of the Leone (60% during 2022) and loose fiscal policies. Over the year, the Bank of Sierra Leone tightened its monetary policy stance. However, monetary policy effectiveness was limited by underdeveloped financial markets and fiscal dominance, and further complicated by the redenomination of the Leone. Fiscal weaknesses and risks to debt sustainability have intensified. External accounts also deteriorated, and reserves fell to around 3 months of imports by end-2022 (from close to 4 months in Q3), reflecting Central Bank interventions in the Forex market.”

‘Economic liars’ in Bio’s Government

The current Bio administration continues to heap more hardship on the heads of Sierra Leoneans to the extent that the people have realized that they cannot be lied to by selfish politicians, whose quest is to tell lies publicly to canvas votes. The likes of Jacob Jusu Saffa must not be allowed on any public political campaign due to his previous bad prescience set out, for which the suffering masses cannot easily forgive him. Saffa, currently the Chief Minister of Sierra Leone, is on record during the 2018 elections campaign promising the people of this nation that his government will address the bread-and-butter issues if elected. Sierra Leoneans thought that was a wonderful opportunity they have been yearning for, and it led to Bio becoming the number one gentleman of the state, with the hope that he will address what Saffa had promised. The appointment of JJ Saffa as Finance Minister was previously seen as a blessing to the nation. Still, it turned out to be a great curse after he left the Ministry without addressing the promised bread-and-butter issues.

Chief Minister, Jacob Jusu Saffa

His recent pronouncement on the radio promising to address all economic problems in three months after President Bio gets his second term in office is been seen as an insult to the suffering masses who cannot be lied to for the second time. Saffa made the said statement at a time the prices of basic commodities are skyrocketing and the standard of living is worsening with every passing day.

The likes of Saffa should have helped the nation address currency depreciation, which is a major challenge that is crippling the economy. Currency depreciation is a fall in the value of the Leone in terms of its exchange rate versus the United States Dollar. It occurs due to factors such as economic fundamentals, interest rate differentials, political instability, or risk aversion among investors. Apart from political instability, Sierra Leone is currently faced with the other above factors as a result of incompetent officials managing the country’s economic and financial sectors.

Prof. Kaifala Murana Kallon, former BSL Governor

According to Steve Hanke’s currency watch list, the rate of increase in the general price level and the exchange rate regime operation are also closely related, for instance, when a crawling peg exchange rate is adopted in the economy, the implications are that it may lose a nominal anchor which could lead to inflation. Accordingly, the rate of inflation could become uncontrollable. This is because the exchange rate and money supply are indices of the price level. Exchange rate changes the rate of increase in the price level affected each other to produce an inflation-devaluation spiral or a vicious circle in flexible exchange regimes or pass-through effects from the exchange rate changes and the foreign price level. These effects may worsen the domestic inflation rate. 

A Sierra Leonean Economist, Prince Jacob Macauley noted that among the condition for a redenomination of the currency is that there should be a low inflation rate, with the tendency of decreasing. In other words, the inflation in the country should be low, and there must be the possibility of it reducing further. Macauley furthered that the prevailing condition during which the Bank Governor proposed the redenomination was such that there was high inflation, heavy taxation, and failure of several economic policies to revamp the economy. The Bank Governor had, prior to the redenomination, embarked on the printing of the old notes some three times, auctioned the dollar some three times, placed a ban on the amount of foreign exchange one could have in his possession, or the banks could give out, etc. All these are signs that the economy was not growing and inflation was rising, and this was not the best condition for a redenomination of the Leone. 



Kambia District is located in the Northwest of Sierra Leone. Having a population of 367,699 according to the 2021 Midterm Population and Housing Census, this region links Sierra Leone to neighboring Guinea. From its border standpoint, this district is open to all forms of economic activities among which are the unconventional ones driven by children at a rate defined as alarming. Children carrying heavy loads on their heads selling on the streets have become an eyesore, interpreting the presence of poverty in the region. Sierra Leone 2022 Poverty Assessment measured the District as the poorest. While trading among children is a cause for concern, child-traffickers remain a looming threat to the well-being of these children.

Aruna Foday, a 10-year-old sachet milk seller at Kambia-Freetown Lorry Park, says he is staying with his grandmother who sends him to sell sachet milk on a daily basis. He continues that her biological mother and father reside in Guinea and that he has not seen them for over five years. “I am a class 4 pupil attending the REC Primary School. During school days, I sell a sachet of milk after school, but for the whole day on weekends. I find it challenging to study and this has negatively impacted my academic performance. In terms of feeding, I eat before embarking on my journey. This is when I have good business. On bad days, I do not eat,” he says.

International Labour Organization defines Child Labour as “work that deprives children of their childhood, their potential, and their dignity, and that is harmful to physical and mental development.” Aruna has been subjected to child labour through street trading and has been exposed to traffickers. He has been deprived of his physical and mental development according to ILO’s definition of Child Labour.

One parent, Namisa Sillah at Kenbeya-Funkneh Road says she is very much aware of the punishment behind child labour. However, she continued that she is a single parent and has with her seven children to feed. “If I do not send them to sell, we cannot survive when I have no one to assist me,” she adds.

Answering questions on whether she is aware that such an act amounts to child exploitation, she responds by stating that there is nothing like exploitation as according to her, money generated from her children selling in the streets is for their upkeep and for the children’s school fees and lunch.

Madam Sillah justified her action even though she claimed that ‘there is a punishment for her action’. However, she has no knowledge that her action of sending her children to sell on the street makes them vulnerable to traffickers as according to the 2023 report of African Programming Research Initiative to End Slavery (APRIES), one in three children are involved in child labour and that they are very much prone to child trafficking.

Tamba Kullah Sesay, a 12- year-old at Munutallah Chiefdom, says he sells pure water on the streets rather than going to school because he comes from a very poor home and his parents cannot afford to pay his school fees.

Tamba, like any other child who sells on the streets, is more vulnerable and exposed to child traffickers. According to the 2021 Bureau of International Labour Affairs (ILAB) Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labour, the Government of Sierra Leone does not have a sufficient number of labour inspectors to adequately enforce labour laws throughout the country. This report by ILAB shows how Tamba, together with other children, is vulnerable to traffickers, especially when they sell on the streets without attending school.   

Allieu Jalloh, an Ataya Base tea seller at Fenbeya-Funkneh Road, points out that “this is a cause worth fighting for by all, as it concerns every Sierra Leonean at home and abroad. While some may argue that it does not directly affect their families; this issue has the potential to rob Sierra Leone of its future nation builders.”

Alieu also disclosed that two months back, a girl selling limes on the street was severely hit by a car. “The issue of street trading among children must be treated with all seriousness and this should be a collective effort,” he says.

Alieu’s revelation of the girl’s predicament shows that street trading among children does not only make children vulnerable to traffickers but also other unforeseen circumstances like accidents, etc.

Speaking on Kambia District’s Anti-Child Trafficking By-laws, Regent Chief at Munutallah Chiefdom in Kambia District, Pa Adikalie Kabia, says the laws are a consolidated and harmonized Anti-Child Trafficking ones put together by all the 10 Paramount Chiefs, 10 Chiefdom Administrative Clerks, 21 Inter-religious Council Leaders and the District Officer in Kambia District. He continued that the process was facilitated by World Hope International with funds from African Programming Research Initiative to End Slavery (APRIES).

He revealed also that Part 2 of the General Provisions of the By-laws for ‘Menpikin’ (foster child) states that all Paramount Chiefs should have knowledge of all ‘menpikin’ cases, failure to do so shall result in the following customary ‘kassie’ (punishment): a bag of parboiled rice, a container of palm oil and a goat. “With these new by-laws on child labour and trafficking, we can track children selling on the street and bring their parents or guardians to questioning,” he explains.

He stressed that the November 2022 Kambia District By-laws on Child Trafficking are very much concerned about child labour, especially children under 18. He adds that children shall not be subjected to hard labour like fishing, mining, domestic work, and above all, petty trading. “The parents of any school-going child found selling on the streets during school hours will be reported to the appropriate authorities,” he surmises.

Giving his views on child trafficking in Sierra Leone, the Executive Director of Children International (DCI), Abdul Manaf Kemokai, says as a result of Kambia District sharing a border with the Republic of Guinea, they as an organization thought it fit to extend their branch in the district in order to have firsthand information on child trafficking. He remarks that a significant number of Sierra Leone children are trafficked before their 18th birthday. “Our goal is to partner with relevant bodies in the prevention, prosecution, and protection efforts to reduce the problem over time,” he adds.

The National Consultant on Policy Related to Anti Trafficking in Person who doubles as a lecturer at Fourah Bay College University, Dr. Reuben Lewis, says APRIES visited and conducted an investigation on child labour in Kambia District. “There is a lot of movement in and out of the district as people are engaging in many different activities including children who also are largely engaging in local trading which is indeed a cause for alarm. “This is very terrible and really serious as in every three sets of children, one is likely to be trafficked.

The government has not been able to handle the matter dealing with child labour as the whole idea of ‘menpikin’ is seen as culturally accepted and the Ministry of Gender and Children Affairs has not been able to provide a well-structured approach to handling ‘menpikin’ affairs,” he remarks.

Director of Children’s Affairs at the Ministry of Gender and Children’s Affairs, Madam Joicy Kamara, says she cannot debunk the report or investigation by APRIES. However, she discloses that it would be good for the ministry to know the variables used to conduct and conclude that “for every three children, one is involved in street trading and liable to trafficking”.

The Director went on to say that the Ministry acknowledges some of the concerns and challenges; however, she highlights some of the successes in tackling the problem, including the arrest and prosecution of some of the traffickers.

She states that Kambia District, like any other border crossing district, is always a point of discussion when it comes to child trafficking and human trafficking issues. Street trading among children is almost in every part of the country, but what makes it very alarming is the fact that Kambia borders the Republic of Guinea and has over 80 porous border crossing points which expose these kids to traffickers.

Information gathered by this medium shows Sierra Leone does not monitor immigration and emigration patterns for trafficking. Today, Sierra Leone is known as a source, transit, and destination point for children trafficked for forced labour in domestic work, diamond and granite mining, begging, and commercial sexual exploitation according to International Labour Affairs Bureau (ILAB). Children interviewed by this medium described being forced into domestic work or street vending by their relatives.  Their vulnerability or exposure to traffickers is orchestrated by their relatives, poverty, lack of sensitization, lack of sufficient child labour inspectors, and above all, the political will to address the issue.

Milla Group promotes workers’ health and safety

Milla Group (SL) Limited prides itself to be one of the companies that has successfully ensured a healthy and safe environment for its workforce. The company has been widely acclaimed for its wide range of support in protecting and promoting health safety standards, which has over the years kept its workers in a comfortable work environment. “We value the health of our workers that is why we are providing the necessary equipment and resources to keep them healthy. It is only when they are in good health they are able to work for the company,” says Samuel Smith, Senior Health and Safety Officer. “We take responsibility for the health and safety of our staff and we make timely interventions when they face health challenges,” he said. Milla Group staff have commended the company for the role it played before and after the loss of their two staff, Alie Bangura and a Senior Driver – Gibrilla Conteh. Despite the good efforts made by the company to protect their lives and keep them healthy, the Will of God could not permit as the biblical quote “the Lord giveth and has taketh”, came to light.

The company had established a health clinic within its Kissy Headquarters to handle minor cases and make referrals on major ones. Also, investigations revealed that it has also formed a partnership with Shuman Hospital at Shell New Road, Kissy, to deal with major health complications, as confirmed by the Senior Health and Safety Officer.

Alie Bangura, one of the company’s hardworking staff died recently and was buried by relatives in Makeni after it was confirmed that his death was as a result of infighting within his family for a house left by his late father. Bangura had complained about his health problems about six months ago, which warranted the company’s immediate intervention. He was admitted at the Shuman Hospital for a while and after realizing that there was no improvement he decided to try the native way in the provinces. He was supported by the company again with cash to support his native treatment. He returned to Freetown after all efforts made by traditional healers to restore his normal health failed. The late Bangura who had been receiving his full monthly salary all this while requested the company to help him repeat the treatment he had earlier received at the Shuman Hospital. The company, according to family members, horridly prepared a vehicle to take him to the hospital, but all efforts failed as he gave up the ghost on the way to the hospital. The remains were first taken to his family house at Philip Street, Wellington before it was later escorted in an ambulance by two staff of Milla Group for a dignified burial upcountry.

The death of a Senior Driver, Gibrilla Conteh was a result of a stone in the heart that was diagnosed at the Choithram Memorial Hospital after a series of tests were done. The late Conteh who was later admitted at the Connaught Hospital died naturally after all efforts were made by the company to restore his health.

The staff of Milla Group and relatives of the late workers are thankful to their management for the financial resources and other material support rendered before and after their death. “We pledge our commitment to serve the company diligently and we want to assure our Managers that we will work hard and protect the company at all times,” they assured.   

Milla Group Limited is a custom manufacturer of the best plastic products and solutions for household and business purposes. Since 2001, Milla Group has aimed to deliver an end-to-end solution to its customers. It handles everything from the procurement of raw materials, shipment logistics, clearing and inventory control, manufacturing, wholesale delivery, and finally retail point of sale. In total, Milla has five production areas: injection moulding, roto moulding, blow moulding, film extrusion, and PVC extrusion. It procures its machines from industry leaders and since its inception, it has built up the largest production capacity for plastic items in Sierra Leone. The company has the ability to customize solutions as per its client’s requirements. It also provides private label opportunities in some categories. The company has employed hundreds of Sierra Leone and it continued to support the country’s economic development. 

Orange SL Observes Environment Health and Safety Week

As part of its annual Environment Health and Safety Week Celebrations, Orange SL on Monday 2nd May 2023, commenced a weeklong activity to mark this year’s EHS Week on the Theme: “Taking Sustainable Steps to Reduce our Carbon Footprint”.

The EHS week kicked off with a Morning Coffee session for employees to elaborate on the goal of the EHS week and our collective responsibility for environmental protection and the need to reduce our carbon emissions.

CEO Sekou Amadu Bah

In his video message to all staff, during the EHS Morning Coffee session, CEO Sekou Amadu Bah said Orange SL is committed to maintaining a culture that values and prioritize environmental health and safety issues. He furthered that climate change is a critical issue that affects everyone, which is why Orange SL being a responsible corporate citizen recognizes the need to take sustainable action by reducing our carbon footprint, hence the need to increase the company’s renewable energy ratio target by optimizing its operations and investing in renewable energy consumption.

CEO Sekou Amadu Bah said Orange’s commitment to reducing our carbon emissions is in alignment with the Group’s strategy to lead the future which prioritizes environmental responsibility with the aim of protecting and preserving our environment for future generations.

He further noted that “as individuals and as a company, we have a responsibility to protect the environment. We believe that everyone has a role to play in reducing the impact of our daily activities on the planet. It’s important to recognize the crucial role that the environment plays as it affects our businesses, customers, employees, and communities. “Nature will be better without Humans, Humans need nature. Nature does not need us. The whole world would be green if we did not exist. Nature exists to make our lives better” He concluded.

EHS Chairperson Agnes Songa

Highlighting the importance of Environmental Health and Safety in our daily lives, the Human Resource Director who also doubles as the EHS Chairperson Agnes Songa, stated that EHS involves the process of identifying, assessing, and controlling the risk associated with our activities, products, and services that could impact our lives.

She mentioned that Orange has taken significant steps towards reducing its environmental footprint by being the first telecoms company to acquire an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) license and comply with its terms and conditions. She said as part of the company’s efforts in creating awareness amongst its employees, Orange SL has instituted several training programs in Freetown and the provincial areas on both Environmental Health and Safety and Occupational Health and Safety to help minimize risks associated with our daily actions.

She encouraged all to work together towards creating a safer, healthier, and sustainable world not only for us but for future generations.

Chief Climate Officer, Danetta Younge

\The Chief Climate Officer, Danetta Younge, in her welcome address at the OSL EHS day emphasizes the importance of environmental responsibility and that the theme is a call to action for all of us to make conscious efforts towards protecting the environment and preserving it for future generations. She also highlighted the importance of considering environmental conservation in all of the company’s operations which has resulted in the solarization of 70% of OSL Network sites in order to reduce the carbon emissions derived from its operations.


Other activities outlined to commemorate this year’s EHS celebration includes site inspections by the Executive Chairman of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Dr Gbondi Gavao and the EHS Day Symposium with the Honourable Minister of Environment Professor Foday Jaward serving as our Keynote Speaker.

The weeklong activities culminated with OSL employees planting of 3,000 trees at the mudslide site at Mortomeh, led by the CEO Sekou Amadou Bah, in partnership with Youth Alliance and Commonwealth.

EXPOSED! Procurement fraud at SLRSA

By Abu Bakarr Kargbo

The Sierra Leone Road Safety Authority (SLRSA) continues to place its operations under intense public scrutiny since the Autospect Company started its operations. The procurement process that ushered in the Lebanese-managed company is something the country’s Anti-Corruption Commission would have to investigate, especially after the National Public Procurement Authority (NPPA) had found out that the entire process was fraudulent. It could be recalled that three other local companies submitted their bidding documents to the SLRSA as a procedure, but they later found out that they were completely left out of the process. The companies, Bilhac Limited, Sarrah Trading, and IAS ECOWAS License Plates, lodged a complaint with the NPPA due to what was stated as a “flagrant abuse of the Public Procurement law in the award of the contract to Autospect”. one of the company owners had to die due to frustration and lack of respect for local content by some quarters within the SLRSA that had been allegedly bribed by some Lebanese fraudsters.
The companies had been the previous producers of vehicle license plates contract for the production of license plates was unceremoniously taken away from them by some quarters within the SLRSA and they were kick-out of the Authority’s compound as a board decision.
The National Public Procurement Authority had cause to launch an investigation into the contract following the receipt of the letter of complaint from the law firm of G.K. Legal who is the legal representative for the companies.  

The NPPA found out in its review of the fraudulent procurement process that there was no procurement process leading to the formation and consummation of the contract with Autospect. “Our detailed review resulted in the discovery that absolutely no procurement process was undertaken which ushered in its coming into existence. Despite repeated requests by the Authority, RSA could not provide any documentary evidence confirming that a procurement process took place,” the NPPA stated and continued that in an effort to create the semblance of a procurement process has taken place, the contract states that unsolicited proposals were received from different parties, however, no other proposal was submitted to the Authority except that of Autospect.

“Even had other proposals been submitted, this would not have made the process legal, except it can be clearly and unambiguously shown that their receipt and consideration was based on a formal procurement process having taken place stemming from a call for bids,” NPPA revealed.

The NPPA found out that there seems to be a syndicate within the SLRSA that is covering up the fraudulent activities of the Lebanese-managed company, for which the intervention of the ACC is required to save the neck of over 600 workers that have currently been deprived of their basic entitlements and to also save the poor drivers and vehicle owners whose hard-earned monies have been defrauded by some rogues.

The NPPA made the following recommendations: a fundamental legal requirement for the coming into being of any contract that has a procurement bearing is that the contract must have been preceded by a procurement process, failing which the contract is illegal as it is ‘null and void ab initio’, since the due process was not adhered to; that the service provider has seriously breached the agreement as it has defaulted in its obligations as provided for in Section 9.2.1(i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) of the contract; that Section 10.3.1 of the agreement provides for re-tendering of the project due to event of default on the part of the service provider; that Sanctions should be brought against the members of the procurement committee and other senior officers, including the procurement officer involved in this process; and that SLRSA should undertake a critical review of its decision to outsource as most of the activities being outsourced form its core operational functions. Outsourcing is normally for none core activities thereby allowing the business to focus on its critical activities and core competencies. It would appear that the inverse holds in this case.
The NPPA is the view that the appearance currently created is that of a syndicate in operation covering up all these major lapses of the service provider. “Currently, the service provider is not rendering the services it contracted to provide several years ago. This contract is not in any way beneficial to Government and the country,” the Authority stated and furthered that as an interim solution whilst a new contract is being formalized, it is necessary that SLRSA should re-institute the services of the three previous service providers who had been providing this service with seemingly higher quality.
”Despite having provided vehicle plates production services to SLRSA for more than fifteen years, their contracts were abruptly terminated. Our understanding is that they still have equipment and production materials at SLRSA headquarters but they have been denied access to them,” NPPA stated. 

Counting Alhaji Kanja Sesay’s Energy Gains

Part One: Breaking the Accessibility and Expansion Boundaries

By Austine Luseni

The New Direction administration of President Julius Maada Bio inherited an energy sector that was characterized by a dismal 15% nationwide access rate, capacity deficit or low capacity utilization, load shedding and unreliability of transmission and distribution network, the high operating cost of government subsidies, and high commercial and technical losses.

 Alhaji Kanja Sesay was appointed  Minister of Energy by President Julius Maada Bio and was charged with the herculean responsibility of helping the New Direction administration realize its overall policy objective in the sector.

The former NaCSA commissioner had his work clearly cut out. The gloves were instantly off to mark the beginning of some breathtaking and stellar energy sector reforms in terms of accessibility, generation, expansion and rehabilitation, transmission, policies and legislation, and innovations. Part One of Kanja Sesay’s energy sector reforms story will focus on the key components of accessibility and expansion.


The nationwide access rate to clean, sustainable, and affordable electricity before the advent of the New Direction administration dismally stood at 16%. Thanks to a variety of meaningful energy projects, Alhaji Kanja Sesay has taken the access rate to a staggering and commendable 35%. This leap can best be described as unprecedented and not only indicative of how result-oriented or service and delivery-focused the Minister of Energy is but also illustrative of his commitment to realizing the manifesto undertakings of President Julius Maada Bio with respect to energy.

This impressive surge in the access rate in just five years has come with some stunning social and economic improvements in the lives of the people, with specific reference to citizens in rural communities who once saw electricity as an exclusive urban luxury or facility.

Economic livelihoods and job creation drives have been positively impacted, and social institutions or places like schools, hospitals, cabarets, restaurants, and discotheques have not been directly or indirectly spared the goodies of the increase in access rate.


Before Alhaji Kanja Sesay assumed office as Minister of Energy, there were a lot of unserved communities in even urban areas. Classic cases in point in the Western Area were the Bathurst community and Pogodon-the former having gone for over 200 years without electricity.

Mr. Sesay took the component of expansion with seriousness and therefore wasted no time in mapping out an efficacious expansion plan for both grid and off-grid sources. Emerging communities and existing ones that were hitherto unconnected to the grid have all been logged on, occasioning the sort of expansion in urban areas that have been nothing short of remarkable.

The cities of Bo and Kenema have benefitted from an African Development Bank and Government of Sierra Leone-funded network expansion project.

The expansion through off-grid has been phenomenal. Mini-grids are now common sights in different parts of Sierra Leone. Towns like Koribondo, Tinkoko, Sahn Malen, Sumbuya, Senehun, Moyamba Junction, Rotifunk, and Rutile in the south, Daru, Mobai, Joijoima, Bunumbu, Pendebu, and Manowa in the east, Foredugu, Masiaka, Madina, and other places in the north are now connected to mini-grids.

Despite the challenges that beset the sector, Alhaji Kanja Sesay has broken accessibility and expansion barriers to the delight of many a local and international energy expert.

Part Two will focus on Generation and Transmission

SLRSA turns ‘goldmine’ …Road safety funds chopped

By Abu Bakarr Kargbo

One of the greatest disrespect shown by Autospect (SL) Limited to the Sierra Leone Road Safety Authority (SLRSA) was to ask to Authority to relocate its present headquarters office to the garage. The said move was seen as not only a disrespect to SLRSA management but a ploy to further take the Authority to the gutters. The current management has undoubtedly transformed the SLRSA to become one of the breadbaskets to the economy before Autospect came in to taint its good effort and inflicts more poverty and hardship on the heads of drivers and vehicle owners.

Sources say Autospect is using SLRSA as a goldmine where it is currently raking into its owners’ pockets a bulk of the resources that should be utilized by the government to undertake development activities. The SLRSA, according to sources, has been making billions of Leones for the government of Sierra Leone on a monthly basis and some of these funds were utilized to undertake road safety activities across the country. All of these activities have been stalled since the funds are now going into the personal pockets of some Lebanese and money-choppers within the Authority.

A report produced by an SLRSA three-man team that visited Spain and Lebanon in 2019 to do due diligence on the activities of Autospect abroad, stated that the company does not have any office in those countries and it does not have the financial capacity to operate in Sierra Leone. In Barcelona, the team only visited the MAHA Office and Warehouse, and two vehicle periodic inspection stations named Proven Control. The reason for this was to ascertain the brand equipment and Spare Parts of MAHA (a German brand headquartered in Germany) used by the Preven Control inspection stations for over thirty years, which as intimated, the advanced version is what Autospect said it intended to implement for it works in Sierra Leone.

The process for the inspection, according to the team, is similar though advanced with high-quality equipment and the inspection cost is way higher than in Sierra Leone ranging from 40 Euros for light cars to 75 Euros for heavy-duty vehicles with separate lanes for motorcycles, upwards. The said cost is what Autospect is currently charging poor Sierra Leoneans to pay despite the poor standard of performance.

The team also found out that periodic vehicle inspection stickers were affixed to the windscreens indicating the licensing process (including printing and issuance) after validation of payment, and test certificates for both vehicle and driver’s licenses as the case may be by the Road Safer workers. These are standard procedures that are not carried out by Autospect in Sierra Leone, which kept on collecting monies from drivers for services they are not rendering to the public.
At the RGH Group, presentations were made to the team about the composition of the RGH group of which INKRIPT is a part, their services, and the architectural designs of the proposed vehicle inspection stations in Sierra Leone. Since Autospect commenced operations, sources say it has not shown any evidence of performing vehicle inspection, a service it is charging the public for.
The team furthered that the procedure for vehicle licensing is almost the same as what currently entails at SLRSA with different and slightly improved software and decent plastic printing of serialized number plates. “All of which should not warrant overcharges as Autospect is currently doing to the public, which is a calculated ploy to rip off the nation,” a source said. 

When contacted on Wednesday 12th April 2023 at his Wilkinson Road Office, the Managing Director of Autospect, Muhieddine Itani said his company is currently running at a big loss, noting that they are however hopeful that in the near future, they will start making a profit. “We want to stop all the leakages, fraud, no clean database, and the transfer of registration plates from one vehicle to another,” he said and furthered that their services are the cheapest in the West African sub-region. “What we are going to provide to the SLRSA is more than what they are generating at the moment,” Itani revealed.

Autospect deceives Salone Government …no financial record submitted

By Abu Bakarr Kargbo

The Ministry of Transport and Aviation, which is the supervisory ministry for the Sierra Leone Road Safety Authority (SLRSA), has treated the nation and powers that be with levity after it allowed a group of Lebanese Hustlers to deceive the whole government that it has the capacity and capability to manage and finance a fifteen years operations of building road safety structures across the country. The National Public Procurement Authority (NPPA) had also warned that Autospect (SL) Limited does not have the capability to manage the sector. After the company had deceived the state, three key officials of the SLRSA decided to visit Spain and Lebanon where the company had boasted that it had its parent body that will be supporting its operations in Sierra Leone.   

It could be recalled on the 12th of May 2019, the SLRSA delegation consisting and led by the former Executive Director Ibrahim Sannoh and two others. (Arthur Brima, Acting Director of Transport, and Mr. Glen Cole, Management and System Analyst), departed first for Barcelona in Spain for three days and on the 16th of May 2019 departed for Beirut for another three days to conduct due diligence on the proposed implementation of an already signed contract between SLRSA and Autospect: for Periodic Vehicle Inspection (Motor Testing) and issuance of vehicle Licenses.

The team also observed that there were no offices of Autospect in both Barcelona and Beirut. What the team observe also is that Autospect intended to partner with both MAHA (a German brand headquartered in Germany) for the supply of their equipment and Resource Group Holdings for the use of their INKRIPT software solutions.

The Ministry of Transport, which was fully aware of the due diligence inspection trip, failed to adhere to the recommendations made by the SLRSA Team, the ministry instead decided to work closely with some money-choppers at the SLRSA to proceed with an agreement that has brought more calamity for the Road Safety Authority ever before.

The SLRSA delegation had recommended the following to the Board and Transport Ministry: that the relationship between Autospect, MAHA, and Inkript should be clearly spelled out and documents dictating the relationship should be presented to SLRSA; that a comprehensive and holistic investment package with costings to be presented to SLRSA as this will determine the duration of the lease period; and previous and current financial statements of Autospect to be presented to SLRSA.

The company, according to sources, failed to comply as it thereby decided to use other means to sail its way through an agreement that is not favour of the current SLRSA Management and the country, mostly poor drivers and vehicle owners that are not getting value for their monies.

It is now an open secret that Autospect is not enjoying a good working relationship with SLRSA based on the fact that the company has succeeded in putting over 60% of the Road Safety Authority workforce out of jobs and has also caused the shutting down of 17 stations across the country. The SLRSA, according to sources has been left in the cold after all its financial resources have been transferred to the hands of Lebanese operators. (This medium will bring you details on the $20 million Skye Bank by Autospect).

When contacted on Wednesday 12th April 2023 at his Wilkinson Road Office, the Managing Director of Autospect, Muhieddine Itani said his company is currently running at a big loss, noting that they are however hopeful that in the near future, they will start making a profit. “We want to stop all the leakages, fraud, no clean database, and the transfer of registration plates from one vehicle to another,” he said and furthered that their services are the cheapest in the West African sub-region. “What we are going to provide to the SLRSA is more than what they are generating at the moment,” Itani revealed.

(The story continues in our next edition)

Orange-SL to plant 3000 trees …celebrating Environmental Health and Safety Week

Orange Sierra Leone has commenced its annual Environmental Health and Safety Week celebrations with the Theme: “Taking sustainable steps to reduce our carbon footprint”. 

The day is set aside to help raise awareness of environmental safety and protection. 

The week-long activity will be marked by a series of activities to demonstrate our environmental responsibility such as the planting of 1000 trees by employees and external stakeholders, desk plants competition, and the EHS week day symposium.

Denetta Younge, General Secretary, and Chief Climate Officer of Orange Sierra Leone described the day starting the event as a remarkable day for the company, as it set aside a week dedicated to reinforcing its commitment to environmental responsibility.

“This week we would engage in several activities, including the Planting of 3,000 trees at the mudslide site at Mogema, a tour of the solar facility installed at our sites along with the Environment Protection Agency, an EHS day, and departmental and employee Plant competition. She said and added “

We launch this year’s EHS week with the theme: taking sustainable steps to reduce our carbon footprint. This theme is in line with the Orange group’s target of achieving zero carbon emissions by 2040. Taking sustainable steps to reduce our carbon footprint is a collective responsibility,” Madam Younge said and continued that “I encourage every one of us to take action in our daily lives, no matter how small towards protecting our environment. Simple actions such as using less electricity consumption, saving on fuel consumption, and planting flowers can make a great impact.

I also want to emphasize the importance of health and safety in the workplace and urge everyone to take care of their mental and emotional well-being. The time is now, let’s act now to preserve and protect our environment for a green Future.”