Freetown Terminal Ltd hands over school materials worth Le 142m to MP for Constituency 122

Hon. Allieu Ibrahim Karama receiving the donated school materials from FTL’ Gassimu Fofana

By Ishmael Sallieu Koroma

The Freetown Terminal Limited , a subsidiary of Bollore Transport and Logistics has on Friday 23rd December 2022 handed over 142 million Leones worth of school materials to the Member of Parliament of Constituency 122, Hon. Alieu Ibrahim Kamara during a short ceremony at the company’s headquarters, Queen Elizabeth II Quay in Freetown.
The donated items include: 650 locally made school bags, 720 pieces of pens, 150 (200 pages) notebooks, and 570 pieces of crayon among others.
In his statement, the Head of Communication of Freetown Terminal Ltd,Gassimu S. Fofana, said the company received a request from the Member of Parliament of Constituency 122 to help his community, especially deprived kids for school materials thus responding to the request by making the timely donation, and its their contribution to the Free Quality Education Scheme of President Julius Maada Bio.
‘’Hon Koyo as per the request you made to us with regards helping your constituency with school materials. we have on this day , on behalf of Freetown Terminal prepared these materials, assorted school materials and school bags that we are presenting to you in honouring your request you made to us for the constituency in a bid for us to also contribute to the Free quality Education . So on behalf of the Freetown Terminal I want to present these school materials to you,’’ he said.
Gassimu Fofana added that part of their donated items which includes the school bags were locally made which he said was deliberate on the part of the company in order to promote the local content policy of the country adding that it will help indigenous companies to grow which will in turn brings development to the country.
The Head of communication went on to say that , if every company working within the country’s quay put hands on deck to bring help , it will help more people in the community thus enabled development in different sectors.
On his part, the Member of Parliament of const. 122 Alieu Ibrahim Kamara popularly known as Hon. Koyo, thanked the company for always fulfilling his request and for owning up to its corporate social responsibility adding Freetown Terminal has always been extending their good will towards his constituency for the longest time since their inception to the community and the people of constituency 122.
‘’ When you look at company’s around, I always say this, the company that owing their corporate social responsibility, is Bollore. You knock at their door, in the eleventh hour they will respond to you. I can vividly recalled I requested for these school materials, a month to re-opening of schools. You know, I know it was challenge but the general manager answered by request. I want to say thank you very much to him and the company, ‘’he said.
Alieu Ibrahim Kamara said that the honouring of his request by Freetown Terminal Ltd shows that there is a sign good cooperation between his constituency and the company stating it also shows that he has always given out any goodies or donation he received from the company to his people in a responsible and transparent manner.
‘’ I am here to receive this laudable gesture from Bollore. I want to say thank you Bollore whatever request I sent to Bollore, they will always honour it. This shows signs of good cooperation between my constituency and the company and it shows another thing what does it shows, it shows that whether the company is giving to me to represent my people I always delegate it responsibly and transparently. That is why, they have the confidence, they have the belief that whenever I requested something they will give to me,’’ the Constituency 122 MP added.
The Member of Parliament went on to say the people of his constituency appreciates the goodies that Bollore as a company has been offering to them adding that the school materials is another testament of the love of the company to its people , the communities and the children to better their future.
‘’ I remember last year, we distributed all the school items they gave us to the Mabella community/ magazine community. This time, our focus will mainly be in the Fourah bay community as well as Kossoh Town Community. Within the one to two weeks I would ask you journalists to come around and do your personal investigation so that at the end of the day to see exactly the beneficiaries of this wonderful gesture done by BOLLORE ,’’the MP recalled.
The constituency 122 MP assured the company that the donated school items will be distributed fairly within his community and will reach the deserved beneficiaries thus urging the company to continue its development drive especially on education in his constituency and its environs as it also coincides with Agenda of the government of Julius Maada Bio.

Sierra Leone Police destroy huge quantity of harmful drugs

By Abu Bakarr Kargbo

The Sierra Leone Police, in collaboration with other security and law enforcement agencies over the weekend destroyed a large quantity of dangerous and prohibited narcotics/drugs in their quest to fight the prevalence of drug abuse and trafficking in the country.
The event was held on Friday 23rd December 2022 at the Transnational Organised Crime Unit (TOCU) Headquarters, situated within the precinct of the Sierra Leone Peace Keeping and Law Enforcement Academy (SILEA), Hastings Campus in Freetown.
The destruction of the harmful drugs was done in the public view of stakeholders and law enforcement agencies. The agencies and stakeholders included: The Minister of Internal Affairs, David Maurice Panda-Noah, Director of Public Prosecution, Easmon Ngagui, Office of National Security (ONS), Head of TOCU, Assistant Commissioner of Police Alhaji Kelfala Bangura,
National Drugs and Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA), amongst others.
The Sierra Police Media Unit told this writer that the burnt/destroyed drugs included 135 Killograms of cannabis sativa, 5 Cartoons of pharmaceutical drugs (Tapentadol, Hydrochloride Powder), 7 other bundles of dried leaves,116 packets of cannabis sativa and 7 bale of cannabis sativa that had been in the custody of TOCU, over 2,000 cartoons of dangerous pharmaceutical drugs (Tramadol capsules), which were comfiscated at the Sierra Leone Port and stored at the National Revenue Authority’s (NRA) Customs warehouses in Freetown.
The Police said the burning of these drugs and harmful substances was meant to serve as a deterrent to other importers and dealers of these dangerous drugs and substances in the country.
Customs and Port Officials revealed that four containers of tramadol imported by mostly Fullah Businessmen were intercepted and arrested recently at the Sierra Leone Port.
Doctors in Sierra Leone described tramadol as a strong painkiller from a group of medicines called opiates, or narcotics. It’s used to treat moderate to severe pain, for example after an operation or a serious injury. “If you have long term pain, your doctor may also prescribe it if weaker painkillers no longer work,” Dr. Ibrahim Sesay said, and added that it is unfortunate that the drug is been imported to serve the wrong purpose, such as selling it out to mostly young people for illegal consumption.

The Conditions for PR System DO NOT Exist as per the Sierra Leone Constitution …Hon. Chernor Maju Bah

I have read with consternation a Press Release dated 21 October 2022, issued by the Electoral Commission of Sierra Leone (ECSL), in which it is stated that the President of Sierra Leone, His Excellency Julius Maada Bio, has directed the ECSL to conduct next year’s multi-tier elections using the District Block and Proportional Representation (PR) system. This is a serious constitutional breach that will significantly reverse the gains we have made in strengthening democracy in post-war Sierra Leone.

When this idea of using the PR system was initially introduced in Parliament in the Public Elections Bill 2022, it was heavily criticised and rejected by Members of Parliament, leading to its eventual withdrawal.

Amongst members of the public, the civil society and the media, the proposed PR system also generated considerable controversy, given its potential to limit the participation of citizens in the country’s democratic process.

It is therefore disappointing that after its rejection by Parliament, the executive would still give directives for this system to be imposed on the people of Sierra Leone. It is even more disturbing that such a change of the electoral system is being attempted on the eve of the multi-tier elections. Using the PR system in place of the constituency system would amount to taking away the rights of the people to choose their representatives directly and hand that power over to political parties.
While I acknowledge that the Constitution of Sierra Leone (Amendment) Act, 2001 Section 38A of the 1991 Constitution, grants ‘THE PRESIDENT discretionary powers to consult with the Electoral Commission and direct them, to conduct elections on the basis of the ‘EXISTING DISTRICTS’ in a manner to be known as the district block representation system instead of constituencies, the same amendment [Section 38A. (1)] specifies the condition precedent to the exercise of such discretion and directive:

S. 38A (1): –
“Where under any law for the time being in force, a date for a general election of Members of Parliament has been appointed but constituencies have not been established in accordance with subsection (3) of section 38 for the purposes of such election, …….”

Inarguably, the condition precedent to the exercise of such Presidential discretion is non-existent. As it is, constituencies already exist and by Section 38 subsection (4) of the 1991 Constitution, the Electoral Commission SHALL only review such constituencies at intervals of NOT LESS THAN FIVE YEARS and NOT MORE THAN SEVEN YEARS. It is still less than five years since the present constituencies were established, taking into consideration Section 38 subsection (5) of the said Constitution:

S. 38 (5)
“Where the boundaries of any constituency are altered in accordance with the provisions of this section, that alteration shall come into effect upon the next dissolution of Parliament, after the alteration has been approved by Parliament.”

Therefore, it is shocking that the ECSL has, without consideration of our laws and based on the dictates of the Executive, decided to switch to a PR system.
Even more shocking, the ECSL has gone further to state that it will also conduct the local council elections on a District Block/Proportional Representation System. These pronouncements by our Electoral Commission and its pandering to the whims and caprices of the Executive have the tendency to undermine the independence and credibility of the ECSL.
In view of the above reasons, and for the protection of the supremacy of our Constitution, I call on His Excellency the President, to reverse his directive to the ECSL. The primary right of the people of Sierra Leone to elect their Parliamentary representatives is through constituency- based elections, as enshrined in the Constitution. I already know that the amendment of the Constitution then, which allows for such exercise of discretion by the President, was necessitated by the prevalence of a civil war in Sierra Leone, and the impossibility of establishing constituencies across the Country.

Circumstances have since changed, the country is no longer at war, nor is any part of the country inaccessible. It is also important to note that after the end of the civil war, the then President immediately reverted to the Constituency Based Elections system in 2007, as it promotes participation and democratic good governance.

Tied to the above, constituencies already exist across the country, and we have held three successive successful general elections using the constitutionally prescribed Constituency system. It would therefore be illogical, unprecedented and unconstitutional to revert to a PR system whose introduction was necessitated by the conditions of a raging war in the country. 

I would like to assure the public that should we sense a desire to not reverse this decision, we will use all legal remedies to ensure that the rights of the people of Sierra Leone are not denied them, and that provisions of the Constitution are upheld.

Chernor Maju Bah
Leader of the Opposition in Parliament*

SiLBA certified by Corporate Affairs Commission …to operate as a legal and registered entity

Secretary General – Daniel Amara and President – Stanley Bangura Jnr

The Sierra Leone Broadcasters’ Association (SiLBA) has been certified by the Corporate Affairs Commission to operate as a legal and registered entity in Sierra Leone, according to a press release issued on Tuesday. 

The certificate was issued after the Association complied fully with the Commission’s criteria and in line with the Companies Act No. 5 of 2009 as a private company limited by guarantee memorandum and articles of association of Sierra Leone Broadcasters’ Association (SiLBA).

SiLBA is an institutional membership organization with forty-six radio stations currently on its database. It exists as an affiliate of the Sierra Leone Association of Journalists (SLAJ) and will work with its counterparts the Guild of Newspaper Editors.

SiLBA is a voluntary association funded largely by its members and potential donors. Its office is housed at the headquarters of the Sierra Leone Association of Journalists (SLAJ) at 56 Campbell Street in Freetown Further information about SiLBA’s activities will be provided in due course.

The Secretary General of the Association, Daniel Amara revealed the objects for which the company is established, which are: to advance the interest of and seek the welfare of the members of the Association; to serve as a forum to address critical national issues relating to broadcasting, including laws, policies and regulations, advertising and promoting the need for a free press, and protecting the safety of its member organizations; to advocate the improvement of the quality and ensure sustainability and profitability of broadcasting institutions in the country; to support initiatives aimed at encouraging content creation, collection and distribution and technology innovation, and ensuring that the stations serve their communities; to advocate and help secure training opportunities and programs to help members grow in their careers and promote diversity in the workplace; and to work with other entities worldwide to ensure that Association’s interests are acknowledged, respected and considered at national and international levels.

The President of SiLBA, Stanley Bangura Jnr, thanked his team and all those who supported the process of letting the Association gain its legal status and assured this medium that they are committed to working hard to achieve their objectives. He admonished his team to work collectively to achieve the desired goals.

Republic of Korea donates New vehicles to Maada and Fatima Bio Foundation

By Abu Bakarr Kargbo

The newly appointed Honorary Consul of the Republic of Korea in Sierra Leone, Mahesh Nandwani, undertook his first official function by handing over five brand new Hyundai SUV vehicles to the Maada and Fatima Bio Foundation at a colorful ceremony held on Thursday 8th December 2022 at the First Lady’s Office in Freetown. The donated vehicles are meant for the Hands Off our Girls Campaign, which was launched in December 2018 specifically to bring awareness, influence policy, and support women and girls to have access to reproductive healthcare and treatment for conditions like Fistula and Cancer and to eliminate such abuses like early childhood marriage, gender-based violence, and rape.

Mr. Nandwani in his statement noted that the vehicles were donated following a request that was made by the Foundation to the Republic of Korean Red Cross for the transportation of sanitary pads across Sierra Leone. He added that the Korean Government realizes the existing good working relationship with Sierra Leone and added that the donation will further strengthen the bilateral ties between the two countries and also promote issues of women and girls. “I look forward to achieving other milestones in the near future,” the Consul said.

New South Korean Honorary Consul, Mahesh Nandwani and First Lady Fatima Bio

The First Lady, Madam Fatima Maada Bio thanked the Republic of Korean Government and the Korean Red Cross for supporting their Foundation, which is working for the Office of the First Lady. “We requested a minibus and they have given us more than that,” she said and continued that the project had been approved in 2020 but a few hiccups along the line caused the delay in the arrival of the vehicles. The First Lady lauded the good work of the Consul, Mahesh Nandwani, whose private company has been supportive of the national basket project of the Hands Off Our Girls campaign. “We are grateful that you have supported us throughout this period, from the COVID to Ramadan Donations and the basket fund,” she said and furthered that the Koreans have now given more light to the Maada and Fatima Bio Foundation to do more work in the country. She promised that the vehicles will be utilized for their intended purpose. 

Meanwhile, in recognition of 60 years of cordial and strong diplomatic ties between the Republic of Sierra Leone and the Republic of Korea, the President of the Republic of Sierra Leone, His Excellency, Brig. Gen (Rtd.) Dr. Julius Maada Bio and His Excellency President Yoon Suk Yeol on Wednesday 30th November 2022, exchanged congratulatory Messages in celebration of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of bilateral relations between the two nations. In his congratulatory letter to the President of The Republic of Korea, His Excellency Yoon Suk Yeol, His Excellency President Bio affirmed that the two Governments have remained sincere in their friendship, solidarity, and mutual assistance, resulting in veritable framework mechanisms for cooperation.

Furthermore, His Excellency President Bio expressed the fervent hope that the celebration of 60 years of diplomatic relations will lead to the further deepening of the bonds of friendship and cooperation between Sierra Leone and Korea. In reciprocity, the President of the Republic of Korea, His Excellency Yoon Suk Yeol, expressed his heartfelt congratulations to President Julius Maada Bio on the occasion of the celebration of 60 years of diplomatic relations between Sierra Leone and Korea. He expressed satisfaction that the construction of the new Freetown City Hall has become a monumental project that highlights the bilateral cooperation between the two countries. President Yeol further expressed sentiments and hope Sierra Leone and Korea will expand on the amicable cooperation and the deepening of the mutual understanding and friendship between the two countries.


By Sayoh Kamara
The state of discordance in and around the All Peoples Congress (APC) party is disgusting; it is frustrating, and it is nauseating to an extent that the putrid outcomes are about to contaminate the good images of many hardworking and disciplined people who, by their personal making and selfless sacrifices, have added aura, credibility and popularity to the APC of Siaka Probyn Stevens, Sorie Ibrahim Koroma, Christian Alusine Kamara-Taylor and many others of blessed memory.
Today, as we fast approach the most critical elections in the history of our beloved Sierra Leone, this party which most citizens consider as a beacon of hope for a prosperous future, is being held at bay by self-destructive elements in their desperations for power.
The life of a political party is dependent on its aggressive succession strategy, that provides for the replacement of the old and the tired with vibrant, determined and committed people with the tenacity, vibrancy and the rightful exuberance to rally new and old members to the party’s fold in tandem with the existentialities of the times.
Perhaps that was the thinking of those APC members including the Minkailu Mansaray, Alhaji Buya Kamara, Alie Fornah, and a host of others, to identify Ernest Bai Koroma to lead the APC in 2000 and thereafter. His youthfulness and charisma was appealing to the existentialities of the moment and that brought in additional political advantage in a progressive manner leading to the ultimate assumption of power by the APC in 2007 after fifteen years in political oblivion.
Ernest Bai Koroma applied similar approach during his tenure as President by identifying young positive minds to help him implement his Agenda for Change and Agenda for Prosperity. These sociopolitical programmes by all indications, set the pace for Sierra Leone’s strategic roadmap into achieving some targets of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals and it’s attendant Sustainable Development Goals; if not for the apparent ninety degrees policy shift adopted by this current SLPP administration.
The vision of Ernest Bai Koroma was to build a cadre of young energetic, dedicated and committed leadership for the APC moving forward and he backed his strategic choices with strategic appointments and placements of these young leaders both within government and within the APC body structures.
Honourable Chernor Maju Ramadan Bah aka Chericoco, was one of those strategic choices of Ernest Bai Koroma. His intellect, his commitments to party ideals and policies and love for country; his sociable touch, his philanthropy, his generosity, his humility and humbleness all put together attracted Ernest Bai Koroma and indeed the APC party. When he was awarded the party symbol therefore to run for Parliament in 2007, he outshined his doubters and out performed his competitors and mesmerized his pessimist both at the polls and by his performances in Parliament.
No doubt, he rose to the rank of Deputy Speaker and could have risen higher had the party not been ripped of the 2018 elections. He was appointed Running Mate to Dr. Samura Mathew Wilson Kamara for the 2018 Presidential Election rightly so not because of his tribe; not because of his religion; not because of his youthfulness, but because he had proved worthy of such a position given the years of his selfless services and sacrifices to and for the APC and Sierra Leone.
In his current position as Leader of the opposition in the present Parliament speaks a lot about who Hon. Chericoco is, someone the APC has had his teeth cut nicely in the politics of Sierra Leone and its attendant melodramas. No one can take that from him and no one can as well take from him his proven dedication and commitment to the APC and its leadership.
Most critics of the APC today hinge their criticisms of the party as being a dormant opposition from the perspective of its National Leadership. But Hon. Chericoco’s leadership in the House of Parliament speaks very to counteract that postulation. The leadership he is providing and the actions of his colleagues in the APC caucus are direct reflections of the APC positions on all issues challenged, opposed and criticized. Hon. Chernor Maju Ramadan Bah and his colleagues are not operating in Parliament in isolation; they are there under the aegis of the APC and they are just doing so.
Chericoco has stood firm for the APC party. He has refused all forms of enticements in order to soften his stances and he has emboldened his colleagues to follow suit. He is renown for saying things as they are. His mantra as the lead opposition in Parliament is, say the good things and condemn the bad things in the interest of Mother Sierra Leone. And in all these turbulent years since 2018, this charismatic young man has kept to what is expected of him. He has gained the trust and confidence of a wider spectrum of the APC membership and indeed the people of Sierra Leone. He continues to win the hearts and minds of the top echelon of the APC. He has proved himself beyond all reasonable doubts his trustworthiness and his ability and capacity to serve in every aspect of the country’s leadership.
But some miscreants within the APC have started making moves to smother the good image of this fine personality, by gauging his suitability for Vice President based on his ethnicity and religion. Nonsense! What these small minds are ignoring is the fact that Chericoco is not from Jupiter. He is full-blown Sierra Leone by birth and our National Constitution recognizes him as a citizen. Sierra Leone is a secular state with no known religion having dominance and every citizen is free to belong and practice any religion of his choice. Chericoco is a Fullah and he is a Muslim, and so what? As a nation, we are respected around the world for our diversity and the peaceful coexistence it eschews; we are respected for our religious tolerance and respect for all religions. Our ethnic and religious differences have not, throughout our sixty-six years of nationhood caused us any upheavals. In fact, they have made us stronger and have brought us even closer. This is manifested by our inter-marriages that have become our custom and the free movements and settlements of people’s across the country.
To quote him (Chericoco) directly in one if his famous speeches to the APC leadership, he stated:
“We need to reject any politics that targets people because of race or religion. This isn’t a matter of political correctness. It’s a matter of understanding what makes us strong. The world respects us not for our arsenal; it respects us for our diversity and our openness and the way we respect every faith.”
He has not minced his words here. He was frank, astute, precise and factual with his perspective.
It is indeed a political inexactitude to define someone’s suitability for position in a political party and a country based on his race and faith; it is sheer chauvinism and thoroughly Marchevalian and destructive. No one applied to God Almighty to be born a Sierra Leonean and it’s a matter of choice to belong to a political party of choice. As such no one should or must be discriminated against for making a political party choice and it is never a foregone acceptability that you must hail from a majority tribe to lead any political party in Sierra Leone or be a significant part of it. Ingrained systems in our political system indicates that such political recognition is mostly born out of an individual’s popularity, his contributions to the party and country and his proven efficiency, efficacy and competence to handle whatever position he seeks.

The Fullah tribe is officially recognized in the country as one of the twelve ethnic groups in the country which makes it no crime for a Fullah indigene to even become President of Sierra Leone if voted for by the people. This young man is not asking for more. In fact, he is being moderate and very humble in his expression of what he seeks for within the APC body politique. This is simply because he has the energy, the knowledge from his years experiences in Parliament and this is backed solidly by his legal background.
To those ringing the bells of discrimination and sowing seeds of discord in the APC because of their parochial minds, you should give chance to common sense and refrain from those isms and schisms that appear to be shallowing your minds to allow for right-thinking to prevail. When the APC was being formed, its founders, including Siaka Probyn Stevens didn’t limit it’s membership to any particular tribe or region. At his death, Siaka Stevens did not bequeath the party to any particular ethnic group or set of individuals.
The APC is registered as a national political party which makes it open to all Sierra Leoneans. For a set of people to now claim ownership of it to the extent of drawing discriminatory lines against other people is uncalled for, it is undemocratic and certainly, not politically correct. The love for a certain individual must not blind consciences to realities and facts. People should be using their energies to heal the wounds inflicted on colleagues due to reckless political utterances of proxies and to cement the fragmentations within the APC rather than widening them and deepening the wounds with senseless parochial politics with hallmarks of disgusting diatribes on people’s sensitivities and to those things that have held the APC together as a party and as a people since the creation of this land that we love and we call Sierra Leone.
The Chericoco that the APC grassroots know by all indications, deserves what he seeks for in the APC.

Freetown Terminal observes Anti-Corruption Day

By Abu Bakarr Kargbo

The Freetown Terminal Limited (FTL), a subsidiary of Bollore Group, has observed this year’s Anti-Corruption Day on Friday 9th December 2022 at its Queen Elizabeth Port, Cline Town in Freetown. The 2022 International Anti-Corruption Day (IACD) seeks to highlight the crucial link between anti-corruption and peace, security, and development. At its core is the notion that tackling this crime is the right and responsibility of everyone, and that only through cooperation and the involvement of each and every person and institution can we overcome the negative impact of this crime.
Since 2003, the Bollore Group has been actively participating in the United Nations Global Compact, and it has committed itself to supporting its core values in the areas of human rights, labour standards, environmental practices, and the fight against corruption and integrating all its principles in the strategy, culture and day to day operations of the company.
The local theme for this year’s celebration is “Deepening inclusivity in the fight against corruption”.
FTL’s Compliance Officer, Mrs. Olusola Sesay said the Bollore Group condemns all forms of corruption and influence peddling. “we do not offer anything of value directly or indirectly to anyone with the aim of illegitimately influencing decision making. “Paying a public official for carrying our routine administrative formalities constitutes an act of corruption,” she said and added that offering or accepting gifts remain a reasonable and selfless gesture. She commended all staff members of FTL for their vigilance and dedication to the fight against corruption. “I call on all staff members to renew our focus on governance as a driver of change and sustainable development,” Mrs. Sesay said.
Bollore Group’s Country Manager, Bertrand Kergeulen said everybody must come on board the fight against corruption because it affects every part of society. He revealed that the estimated global cost of corruption stands at about $2.7 trillion. “The fight against corruption must be done every day, for hour or minutes,” he advised his team.
Sylvanus Blake, Assistant Public Relations Officer of the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC), in his keynote address extended his commission’s appreciation to FTL for taking the lead amongst private sector companies in fighting against corruption, noting that this is what many other service providers cannot do. Corruption, he said is one of the root causes of conflict, undermines the rule of law, worsens poverty, and creates insecurity. “Corruption is making businesses not possible and it is only a good private entity and a good governance system that can stop it,” he said and furthered that the valid role played by FTL in ending corruption is a step in the right direction. “Bollore Group is a worthy leader in the fight against corruption,” Mr. Blake remarked and continued by stating that corruption is a contagious pandemic that can affect all. “Corruption is a vicious circle. It makes you spend more than what you earn,” he said and called on FTL workers to give corruption a social distance that will enable them to negotiate well to put an end to it. “Corruption affects all of us but it has a devastating challenge on the physically challenged persons. I am calling on the informal sector to take the lead in ending corruption,” Blake remarked and revealed that corruption is Sierra Leone’s number one enemy for which all are responsible for it spread. “Let us stop looking at corruption from the size and quantum involved. Corruption is dishonest, regardless of where it happens, how it happened, and why it happened.
Some of the basic tools needed to manage corruption, he said include, education, sensitization, the environment, regulations, reporting, and punishment.  


President Muhammadu Buhari Tuesday reiterated once again that the 2023 general elections would be free, fair and credible, as manipulations would not be allowed in any form.

The President spoke at State House, Abuja, while playing host to West African Elders Forum Pre-Election Mediation Mission, led by former Sierra Leonean President, Dr Ernest Bai Koroma.

“Thank you for accepting to do this service for our sub-region,” the President told his guests, citing off-season elections held in Anambra, Ekiti and Osun States, as pointer to the fact that the Federal Government would allow people to choose leaders they want.

“That right is guaranteed,” President Buhari affirmed. “We are settling down, and making progress. People should vote whoever they want, in whatever party. We shall not allow anyone to use money and thugs to intimidate the people. Nigerians know better now, they are wiser, and know that it is better to dialogue than to carry weapons. Elections are even more difficult to rig now.”

Former President Koroma, who led a team made of Fatoumata Tambajang, former Vice President of The Gambia, Dr Mohammed Ibn Chambas, former Special Representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations, and Ann Iyonu, Executive Director of Goodluck Jonathan Foundation, said they had met with stakeholders across the parties, civil society, and Independent National Electoral Commission, among others, “and we commend you for making it clear both locally and internationally that the elections would be free and fair.”

He commended President Buhari for not listening to voices that may have tried to convince him to seek a third term in office, against the laws of the country, noting that “other countries look up to Nigeria for direction.”

“When we had issues in Sierra Leone and Liberia, it was Nigeria that came in to stabilize the system,” the former President said.

He urged the Nigerian leader to look into other areas of concern as raised by the stakeholders, including security, and issues that may cast doubts on the clarity and credibility of the elections.”

Prince Macauley To Seek Supreme Court Interpretation Of Section 41 …Legality of Independent Presidential Candidate

One of Sierra Leone’s finest Economists, Prince Jacob Macauley, has finally decided to go to the Supreme Court for interpretation of section 41 of the country’s 1991 Constitution, which deals with the eligibility of interested persons to contest for the position of President. Section 41 lays down the requisite qualifications for persons desirous of contesting for the position of President of Sierra Leone.

Prince Jacob Macauley

It could be recalled that Prince Jacob Macauley recently wrote a letter to the President, Chief Justice, Speaker of Parliament, and other relevant authorities expressing his concern over the said provision in the Constitution, which, in his view, provides for an Independent Candidate to contest for the position of President (Section 41 d refers), though no one had taken advantage of the said provision. Since writing to the authorities on his desire to take the opportunity provided by the said section, he has had no response on the said matter and he is now left with no option but to take the matter to the Supreme Court for interpretation of the said section.

See Section 41 of the 1991 Constitution:

  • No person shall be qualified for election as President unless he— is a citizen of Sierra Leone;
  • is a member of a political party; has attained the age of forty years; and

    d. is otherwise qualified to be elected as a Member of Parliament.

Prince Macauley maintained that as an independent candidate who does not wish to belong to any political party, it is his right, according to d. of the above Constitutional provision to contest for the Presidency. In the above section, an intending candidate should be a Sierra Leonean, has attained the age of forty, and is otherwise qualified to be elected as a Member of Parliament. In his view the above section suggests that one cannot be a member of a Political Party to contest for the Presidency, as long as that individual is otherwise qualified to be a Member of Parliament.

The fact that no one had ever tried to contest as an Independent Candidate for the Presidency does not mean that an Independent Candidate cannot contest for the seat. The above section suggests, in his view, that d. is an alternative for a person who does not belong to any Political Party and does not in any way wish to be one but wishes to contest for that seat, is qualified to do, except the Supreme Court of the land states otherwise.

Prince Macauley has been a fervent exponent of prudent economic policies and has severally criticized the policies of the current Bank Governor, which has brought the country to its knees. On every action taken by the Bank Governor, Prince had given his own view on what should have been done. He had predicted all the catastrophes that have befallen the country through the failed economic policies of the Bank Governor and are known to be a reliable reference on economic policies. His criticisms and predictions of the fate of the economy if those policies are implemented have earned him the respect of many Sierra Leoneans, who see him as the right man to turn the fortunes of the country around, as in the current situation that the country is in, only an expert with a proven understanding of the way economies run can transform the nation and bring sanity to the economy.

That aside, Prince Macauley is determined to go to the Supreme Court for Interpretation of the said section 41. D. Some political analysts agree with him that the said section offers every Sierra Leonean above the age of 40 years and qualified to be a Member of Parliament, to contest for the Presidency. They also agree with him that one does not have to belong to a political party to contest for the Presidency, especially if one has the relevant support from the populace to do so. To insinuate otherwise is to infringe on his right to contest for that position, which is a complete violation of his constitutional right that is enshrined in the country’s constitution.

Milton Margai ‘rebels’ sacked  …Vice Chancellor exonerated of all accusations

By Abu Bakarr Kargbo

Prof. Alpha Tejan Wurie…Minister of Tertiary and Higher Education

There was a massive celebration at the Milton Margai Technical University (MMTU) main campus at Goderich on Tuesday 6th December  2022 as the University’s Chancellor, Dr, Victor Kabia presented a report from the 32-man Committee that was constituted to investigate all allegations made against the Vice-Chancellor and Principal, Associate Professor Philip John Kanu. The Academic Staff and Students in the jam-packed hall not only celebrate the reinstatement of Prof. Philip Kanu but also the dismissal of what is referred to as ‘academic rebels’ that have been creating a very bad image for the enviable institution.   

“The issue of the Vice Chancellor, the Committee found out that he fulfilled all the processes and has mobilized resources to improve the University. The investigation committee established by the university court thereby exonerates Prof. Philip John Kanu and he should return to work immediately,” the Chancellor revealed noting that the 29 people present out of 32 people voted in favour of the decision. “On the issue of the hate speech, the committee found out that the audio was manipulated. Those who were present at the meeting were interviewed and they confirmed it to the committee,” he said.  

Dr. Kabia reported that several administrative staff were found guilty of sexual harassment and will be terminated with immediate effect, and continued that two Lecturers will also have their services terminated after they were found guilty of change of grades, and a student who was found in the middle almost all the issues will be restricted. “A Lecturer asking for a favor will be terminated and one of the Lecturers whose crime was not too severe will be given a warning letter,” the Chancellor noted and furthered that the court accepted all the recommendations and concluded that all those found guilty will be terminated. 

The University, he said was steadily progressing with its crisis management and despite the scarcity of funds, it has been encouraging staff to upgrade themselves individually and collectively. He added that a good number took the challenge whilst some refused.

Prof. Philip John Kanu (Left), celebrated his return

“We have some Lecturers that failed to attend classes. They conduct classes and exams in private homes, and some take leave of absence or study leave abandoning students in the middle of academic their work. Some send letters giving excuses without good reasons,” Dr. Kanu reported and went on to reveal that apart from the position of Vice-Chancellor and Principal, all other positions will be declared vacant by the end of December.  “We are going to look into the issue of contracting staff to make some of their positions. We are going to advertise all positions and accept applications from suitably qualified people that will be employed permanently,” he said and furthered that all the baggage of the past polytechnic institution should be dropped off and as the institution is now working towards a full-fledged university.

The Minister of Technical and Higher Education, Prof. Alpha Tejan Wurie, tendered his unreserved apology to the Vice Chancellor and Principal for handing him his letter of indefinite suspension. “I take the blame, I was wrong. Those who have issues must have channeled them to the Chancellor who should have asked the Vice Chancellor to step aside and constitute an investigation committee to probe into the issues,” the Minister said.  

“I did not appoint the Vice Chancellor. He went through a thorough scrutiny by the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC), which found that Philip John Kanu is competent to manage the affairs at the MMTU and they reported the decision to the minister,” he noted. “Today is carnival day. Because I am here to receive the result of the screening. The Chancellor that has the right to say so has said so. I have been proven right that Associate Professor Philip John Kanu is the right person to serve the University in his capacity,” the Minister remarked and went on to re-echo that by the 2023 Academic year when the University would have been upgraded into a full-fledged university, all lecturers and staff must apply and screened before gaining full employment.

“Integrity is the best platform for academia. This is an institution that has the best layout of a university, you should be working to bring the common goods. Full-fledged classes should start immediately,” Prof. Wurie advised and added that “We have human pollutants that want to destroy the young. We have to protect those trying to grow. Disturbances are part of life. With all these upheavals MMTU is going to grow,” he assured. In his statement, Prof. Philip John Kanu accepted the committee’s report wholeheartedly and noted that MMTU is so close to his heart to the extent that he cannot hurt anybody. He commended the Bio administration for demonstrating good leadership and thanked the University Court for taking the right decision. “I am sorry for the discomfort that cooked audio created. I did not say those words but I have been called all sorts of names. I consider everything has passed and I’m looking forward to taking the MMTU to another level,” he said and furthered by appealing that the Chancellor forgive the Lecturers who insulted him. “My students, your principal is back. I want to thank God that I have to go through this. I want this matter to be part of the history of Milton Margai,  I will never reference it,” Prof. Kanu assured.

Alhaji Dr. Mohamed Alie Jalloh, Acting Vice Chancellor, gave a brief report for his stewardship during the absence of the Vice Chancellor. He went on to say that together with the rest of the staff have helped keep the University moving. “We opened the institution on time, released session reports on time in October, we registered newly admitted and continued students for which lectures are in progress. “We are poised to conduct the induction of the new intakes on 15th December,” he said and furthered that they are taking part in the ongoing Education Week organized by the Ministry with all their three campuses taking part.