“We are Ready to Promote Electoral Justice” …Chief Justice Assures UNDP

Sierra Leone’s Chief Justice, His Lordship Justice Desmond Babatunde Edwards has assured the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Advisory Mission on Elections of the Judiciary’s readiness and firm commitment to promote electoral justice to ensure free, fair and credible elections across the country.

The Honourable Chief Justice said, “We in the judiciary are ready to promote electoral justice as our function is to do justice. We’re here to ensure that we have credible, free and fair elections and we’re here to do that job, we’re not going to relent in doing that.”

According to him, over the years, the judiciary’s willingness to uphold electoral justice has come with added responsibility which requires the support from all key players in ensuring that electoral justice is achieved.

He said when he took up office in 2018, the country’s entire population against the total number of Judges and Magistrates (Judicial officers) indicated that a judicial officer had 143,000 people assigned to him, which in itself was a serious burden on the limited number of judges in the discharge of their duties.

He continued that under his leadership, premium has been placed on increased access to justice with the appointment of more judges and judicial staff in various parts of the country. This move, he said has reduced the number to 98,000 citizens to a judicial officer, stressing that the number is still below the African average of one judicial officer to 33,000 persons. Worldwide, he said, the average is one judicial officer to 5,650 persons.

Notwithstanding the small number of Judges, the Hon. Chief Justice assured that with elections around the corner, his administration is ready and willing to deploy not less than 15 Judges to handle electoral matters across the country.

For the handling of Electoral offences, petitions among others, he used the occasion to call for support to the Judiciary with the setting up of an Independent Electoral Court and Registry at the former ‘dilapidated Special Court building’ in Freetown. He also proposed for Independent Electoral Court Registries in each of the Provincial headquarter towns in the Provinces.

The above-mentioned deployments would require logistics, the Chief Justice continued, to go with same and it was up to UNDP and its partners to see to the provision of such logistics including vehicles for judges, computers, accessories, internet connectivity, motorbikes for bailiffs and other available support for support staff.

He reiterated the need for refresher’s training and capacity building for Judges, as part of what would assist Judges to expeditiously handle election matters.

“The Judicial and Legal Training Institute (JLTI) of the Sierra Leone Judiciary has had an impressive history of multiple effective training of Judges, Administrative staff and paralegals which include; Sexual Offences Model Court, Refresher’s training, Industrial training and a host of others and with its well-endowed faculty members and tutors was ready to handle such training with support from UNDP,” the Chief Justice said.

While noting that the Election Petition Rules 2007 do not serve the purpose for expeditions trials of electoral cases in the country, the Hon. Chief Justice said there was need to revisit the Elections Petition Rules of 2007 for amendment.

“The Elections Petition Rules of 2007 which are the rules by which you bring Parliamentary petitions to the court need amendment, and the Rules of Court Committee is prepared do same with support from UNDP and its partners,” he disclosed.

The Chief Justice requested more copies of the Compendium on Electoral Laws and said that current amendments should be incorporated immediately within the newly printed Compendium.

Having stated the purpose of the meeting which looked at existing structures to ensure electoral justice were well in place and in preparedness for electoral cycle, 2020-2024, the Governance and Peacebuilding Coordinator for UNDP in Africa, Dr. Roselyn Akombe, said she was impressed with the level of readiness shown by the Judiciary, it being one of the key players in upholding democratic governance.

She assured the Chief Justice of UNDP’s continued support to the Judiciary and further commended the current administration on their firm commitment and readiness to put the necessary structures in place geared towards ensuring expeditious trials of electoral cases.

On his part, Court of Appeal Judge, Hon. Justice MonfredSesay JA, re-emphasised the need for support to the Judiciary especially with vehicles for Judges.

He described those needs as ‘necessities in fostering effective service delivery’ on their part.

He added that it is not only risky but very dangerous for Judges to be without a vehicle which will always put their lives on the line after delivering a Judgment or to slam an Injunction that is not favourable to the other party.

Also present at the meeting were the UNDP’s Sierra Leone Governance Specialist, Josephine Scott-Manga; UNDP Electoral Systems Support Brussels, SareKnoope, Court of Appeal Judges; Justices KombaKamanda and AlhajiMomoh-Jah Stevens, Master and Registrar, the Deputy Master, Court Operations Manager, Principal Accountant and the Confidential Secretary to the Chief Justice.

Menthaba Community gets three-classroom block …After 187 years 

By Abu Bakarr Kargbo

Bollore Transport and Logistics Sierra Leone Limited has supported the construction of a three classroom primary school building at Menthaba Village in the Sanda Tendaren Chiefdom, Karene District. The school, which was officially opened on Friday 24th September 2021 was constructed by one of the industrious sons of the soil, Stanley Bangura Junior, who was acclaimed by the company, local authorities, and well-wishers.

Giving an overview of the project, Stanley Bangura Junior thanked the company for its timely intervention to support some major parts to complete the school project.

He said the village, which was founded 187 years ago can only boast of a school the serves surrounding villages. He pointed out that children now have access to education at their doorsteps and that it saves them the time and energy used to travel some 7 to 8 miles walk to acquire education. The long-distance to access a school, he said had caused an increase in the illiteracy rate over the years. “I am happy to have Bollore coming in to support the project at a very crucial time,” he said and added that the school is a felt need for seven other neighboring communities.

A total of 512 pupils registered for this academic year but the school only accepted 196 due to limited space. “Over 300 children want to access education but due to the long-distance and limited school accommodation they cannot access education,” Bangura said and furthered that he has so far volunteered to pay the five teachers currently working in the school until they are been approved by the government.

Captain Fabjanko Kokan, Bollore’s Country Manager said he’s proud of his team’s contribution to the project. He said the construction of the school is a result of good people like Stanley Bangura that are doing a great job for the children of Menthaba and surrounding villages.

The company also donated school bags with learning materials and ten bags of rice to the community.

Captain Kokan noted that the donation is to build great hope for the children and their community. He thanked Stanley Bangura Junior, the initial donors, and his team for the great work and called other individuals and institutions to provide similar supports. Kokan praised Bangura for taking him to Karene District to support children’s development.

The School’s Acting Head Teacher, Bashir Musa Kabia admonished parents to send their children to school and monitor their school work.

The Regent Chief of Sanda Tendaren Chiefdom, Pa Alhaji Bundu re-echoed the call for a parent to take advantage of the opportunity accorded them by sending their children to school.

Several donations and pledges were made to the school, such as the Regent Chief who donated Le250,000 for the purchase of school uniforms for some of the pupils that are yet to have theirs.

A representative of the District Education Directorate committed his institution’s support to get the school approved. He donated assorted textbooks to ease school learning.

The Paramount Chieftaincy Aspirants in the upcoming Chiefdom election, Sheik Abdulrahman Tejan Bangura, Sallieu Munu, and Sheriff Abass Sesay pledged their commitment to upgrade and maintain the school if elected. Sheik Bangura donated school materials to pupils and pledged to build three more classrooms, whilst Sheriff Abass Sesay pledged his contribution to the teachers’ salaries.

Bollore Country Manager crowned … Named Pa Kapr Komrabai Kawaleh   

By Abu Bakarr Kargbo

Newly crowned Pa Kapr Komrabai Kawaleh

There was a massive celebration on Friday 24th September 2021 at Menthaba Village in the Sanda Tendaren Chiefdom, to not only welcome the first even White Man to visit the village for development purposes but also to official accord him the title Pa Kapr Komrabai Kawaleh (meaning Ambassador of Light), by Ceremonial Chiefs. Fabjanko Kokan, Bollore Transport, and Logistics Country Manager received recognition for the Sanda Tendaren Chiefdom and beyond.

There was great jubilation in the Village as traditional authorities, women and other young people came out with the drums, singing and dancing in honor of their new hero.

He was highly acclaimed by traditional authorities for his contribution to their village, especially the construction of a school named Bollore Primary School.

Captain Kokan who joined the celebration thanked the Local Authorities and community people for the heroic welcome. He revealed that Bollore was founded in 1965 and that its founders lay premium on development. “I love working and following people. I work with different classes of people irrespective of their tribes, religion, or political affiliation,” he said and added that he does not judge people but he rather accept what they are and that he judges people on what they do. “If you want to change the world you have to surrender to good people, give them trust and responsibilities,” Kokan said and added that “we can change the world if we work together. One finger cannot pick up a stone.”

The newly crowned local authority assured that his team is committed to taking the lead in providing humanitarian donations to people.

Energy Minister blasts electricity thieves … Repugnant to government’s positive efforts

Sierra Leone’s Minister of Energy, Alhaji Kanja Sesay, has described acts of those engaged in the illegal abstraction of electricity and the criminal vandalization of electricity installations and materials as cowardly, unpatriotic and repugnant to government’s positive efforts or strides in the sector.

Alhaji Kanja Sesay… Energy Minister

He made this disclosure at a Press Briefing, held in the Ministry of Information and Communications’ Conference Room on the 21st September, 2021 disclosed the operations of the Presidential Task Force.

In registering his frustration, the Minister of Energy said he was compelled to call a Press Briefing because of the unpatriotic effort of some members of the population.

In updating Newsmen, Alhaji Kanja Sesay explained the motive of setting up the Presidential Task Force, which is to put a stop to the various anti-social behaviour, ranging from vandalization of infrastructure to  theft of electricity materials etc. It is for this reason that the Ministry is putting some measures to tackle the menace.

He further explained that while the electricity generation has increased, EDSA is not seeing a comeasuarate revenue. The government, through the Ministry of Energy, pumped more money into the energy but that is not reflected in the revenue of EDSA, because the rate of Electricity theft is on the increase, ranging from meter bypassing, to illegal connection and other forms of Electricity abstraction. It is against this backdrop that the government of Sierra Leone, under the Presidential directive, established two bodies, the Compliance and Enforcement Unit, which is the Administrative Unit comprises of the Minister of Energy, Information and Communications, Internal affairs, Minister of Defense. and the Joint Task Force, comprising the security unit, the Police, CID, the Military, ONS etc.

Mr. Sesay continued that through the directives of His Excellency, the President Julius Maada Bio, appealed to the Attorney General and Minister of Justice and the Chief Justice, to set up a special electricity crime court. Therefore, if anyone is convicted of Electricity theft, he or she is liable to pay a fine of Le 50m or serve two years imprisonment

The Deputy Minister of Defense, Mr. Massaquoi, in his statement assured the task force and the Minister of Energy that they will support fully in implementing his Excellency’s aspiration regarding the electricity theft. He continued that as a ministry, they are there to compliment the effort of their sister security sector, especially the Police.They are ready to do whatever they can do to bring sanity into the electricity sector.

The Minister of Internal Affairs, Panda Noah, emphasized that citizens should stop the habit of stealing of electricity and the destruction of the infrastructure because such practice leads to electricity ration.. He further explained the negative effects of electricity theft, which, according to him, leads to loss of lives in hospitals, economic stagnation, and hindrance to Free Quality Education etc. Finally, he warned citizens to desist from the way of thinking, which is to use something that they don’t want to pay for. In conclusion, he encourages all Sierra Leoneans to be watchful.

The APC Is Stronger And Ready

The events of the last few days have been very historic for one of  Sierra Leone’s, and indeed, one of Africa’s oldest and most successful political parties. The All People’s Congress (APC) [of Sierra Leone] has  endured more than three very turbulent years following the 2018 general elections. But once again, the delegates and the general membership have shown that the APC is capable of dealing with its own challenges and together, rise above the parapet stronger, more determined and ready to better serve the people of Sierra Leone. It is also a testament to the indispensable fact that democracy is not alien to the APC rather; it has always been and would continue to be integral to the character of our party.
For this remarkable determination manifested in the outstanding organisation, peacefulness, inclusiveness, transparency and success of the party’s Emergency Delegates Conference (E -NDC), I commend ALL my Comrades, irrespective of any differences in terms of views and actions. I urge you to maintain this spirit of dialogue, of working together, of inclusive participation and of fostering progress in the pursuit of the Party’s aspirations. *It is okay for family members to disagree but it is not right to keep grudges over such disagreements. Put the past behind you, open your arms, embrace one another and keep the  momentum* as we proceed to the next stages of the process of putting the party back on the path to regain national governance.
From what has happened  throughout the last few years and in view of the formidable leadership and strength of the membership exhibited during the just concluded E -NDC, *I now feel even more confident that even after I would have stepped down as your leader, the APC is robust enough to peacefully and democratically continue with a new and great leadership*.
I therefore, once again,  thank everyone in the APC, particularly the national officers, the National Advisory Committee, the party’s Legal Team, members of the various committees and all those who have played their part in this process of healing and revival.
God Bless the APC!

God Bless Sierra Leone!
Ernest Bai Koroma**Outgoing Chairman and Leader, All Peoples Congress

“I am tired and it’s time to retire” … Chairman and Leader tells Delegates

By Abu Bakarr Kargbo

Chairman and Leader of the All People’s Congress (APC) Party, Dr. Ernest Bai Koroma told an Emergency Delegates Conference in Makeni City over the weekend that he is tired to serve as Chairman and Leader of the party and wants to retire as a Statesman to serve his Political Party and represent his country well abroad. I am tired and it’s time to retire as a statesman. I want to do things that help the party, ECOWAS, and Africa as a whole,” he said last Friday and

“We should bring up young people to move the party forward that’s why we should step aside to bring others. The Executive has done a lot after the past elections. We should have limitations in our doings.”

Chairman Koroma who said he was addressing the conference with mixed feelings, revealed that “I am sad because it is the court that ordered this our family meeting. This is not the APC we inherited. We should be able to resolve our matters. Confusion and disorderly behavior will never change things at the party. We have problems within us at the party. All the problems are about flagbearership in the party,” he said.

On the other hand, the Chairman pointed out that he was happy that the party has reached the stage of having a constitution that will take the party forward. “We should now look at the future of the party. The constitution is to enable us to manage our affairs as a party and not to disadvantage any flagbearer candidate,” he said.

He called for unity in the APC, stating that the Party can only work with other political parties when it is united.

The Ex-President ended up lining up representatives of various camps and groups like the NRM, Big Six, former Flabearers, representatives of Alfred Peter Coteh, etc. in front of the delegates and they were identified as trouble causers within the party. “Anything that goes wrong with the party after this convention I will lead a jihad against the person responsible,” he said and warned them against what he referred to as practicing ‘munku’ politics.

He thanked the Political Parties Registration Commission (PPRC) and the 21-Man Committee for inviting him to chair the meeting. “It is a court-ordered convention, for which everything must be done in order,” he said.

Minkailu Koroma of the National Reformation Movement (NRM) said his team never meant anything bad for the party. He publicly tendered his apology on behalf of his group to those who thought they meant bad for the party.

Koroma described the conference as a defining moment for the APC to win the 2023 elections and added that they have come a long way and it’s the end of all court cases against the APC because everything has been addressed in the party.

A representative of the Diaspora, Ibrahim Yankay Sesay said they played a major role to have a united party and they thought it wise that they should follow all court orders. “We should now be looking for solutions that bring progress. Delegates should embrace peace and make the difference by stop going to court,” he warned.

Femi Claudius Cole of the Unity Party said in parables “We need to push some mountains out of our way to take us to success. Sierra Leone is a paradise that needs a united effort.”  She furthered that this can only happen with a concerted effort. “I am having a vision that the mountain is gone already,” she said.

Dr. Denis Bright of the National Grand Coalition (NGC) Party said they are working hard to succeed with the recent coalition formed. He congratulated the APC for the great unity and the energy the party has to come thus far. The NGC, he said wants the APC to solve all its problems because there are lots to do in the future to put smiles in the faces of people once again.

PPRC Chairman, Abdullai Masiambay Bangurah appreciated the effort of the 21-Man Committee in complying with the court order under his watch. “All agreements reached with the committee has been implemented and adhered to,” he revealed. He assured that the PPRC will publish the document in the government gazette where constructive objections will be invited before it fully becomes a law.

937 Delegates out of a total of 1245 adopt the APC’s Democratic Constitution

Statistics of the promulgation of the Final Draft APC Constitution on 19th Sept 2021 stated that the total number of delegates in the 1995 Constitution was 1245; the number of delegates present on the first day of Convention was 1191; the required quorum for holding the Convention was 2/3rds or 794 delegates; the number of votes cast to adopt the Constitution was 937; the number of votes cast was 937 votes; the number of “yes’ votes was 918 versus 19 ‘no’ votes.

After a successful and transparent voting exercise the Chairman of the meeting, Dr. Ernest Bai Koroma received the Constitution from Constitutional Review Committee Chairman and in turn presented it to the PPRC representative.

The Chairman and Leader of the APC expressed joy, as he said, the Party had deepened its democratic credentials and that, moving forward, the Party will maintain a high sense of democratic credentials.

“Nobody can destroy the APC,” Comrade Ernest Bai Koroma reiterated, adding the adoption was a sign of victory.

He said in every struggle of the APC, there is victory at the end.

Chairman and Leader thanked the Constitutional Review Committee for what he described as hard work for a solid path to take the party to success.

Le150 million Orange Social Venture Prize …Lucky winners rewarded

Orange Sierra Leone Limited has held its thirdOrange Social Venture Prize (OSVP) Pitch Night on Wednesday 8th September 2021 with two lucky innovators gabbing the star prize totaling Le150 million. Woman4Woman and Eco-Mobile Clinic were the lucky winners of Le100 million and Le50 million respectively after a rigorous selection by a competent panel of Judges drawn from successful business entities in the country.  

Since its inception in Sierra Leone in 2019, The Orange Social Venture Prize has become a household name and a reference partner in ICT development and start-ups. Aminata C.M Kandeh CEO of agro fish farming was the first winner of this project in 2019 seconded by Bayoh Turay of Salone Agric Markit who emerged as the second winner in 2020. With technical and financial support to the two previous winners, these two young entrepreneurs have been able to expand their businesses as well as provided job opportunities for other unemployed Sierra Leoneans. 

The top 5 finalists were allowed to pitch their innovative business ideas for the general category with a grand prize of 100M that was won by Woman4Woman. Additionally, for the first time in Sierra Leone, there was a reward for women, which is “The International Women’s Award 2021”. The project seeks to offer a technological solution that improves the living conditions of women in terms of independence, creating and maintaining jobs, data collection on gender, digital and or financial inclusion, for which the top 3 qualifiers battled for a grand prize of 50M, which was won by Eco-Mobile Clinic.

Orange is a multi-service provider and a responsible corporate citizen who emphasizes corporate social investment. “We believe in the philosophy of philanthropy which is why the brand continues to impact directly, the lives of people, by giving back, and touching lives! OSVP Sierra Leone is part of Orange’s Innovation Strategy and its Corporate Social Responsibility Policy, organized in partnership with Innovation SL- Freetown Pitch Night,” says Jestina Betts, the OSVP Manager, and added that the competition was opened to both Male and Female, aged 21 years and above, whose business ideas propose technological solutions with positive impact in essential fields such as education, healthcare, agriculture to name a few.

She furthered that as a mobile telecoms company, Orange is positioned to be the leader in digital transformation and a trusted partner in bridging the digital divide in Africa and the Middle East. “This pitch session is part of Orange’s innovation strategy that is committed to providing financial support and putting expertise in the management of new Businesses using Information Communication Technologies ICTs,” Madam Betts said. 

The Minister of Higher and Technical Education, Professor Alpha Tejan Wurie commended Orange Sierra Leone for rewarding Innovators, which is part of the company’s support to education development. He commended the presentations made by the Innovators, for which he said shows that Sierra Leone is fast moving in terms of technology. 

Consolation Prizes were also presented to other Innovators, including Gokkam, which does food delivery services to the doorsteps of customers. Haja Isatu Bah of Woman4Woman and a representative of Eco Mobile Clinic thanked Orange for the support and assured that the cash will be put into good use for the benefit of the nation.     

Son of the soil for Bombali District’s leadership

By Fadda Bakish

Philip George Kamara, aka Philo, is a dedicated son of the soil of Bombali District who has been approached by his people to take the forefront in national politics under the All People’s Congress (APC) Party. The former National Telecommunications Commission (NATCOM) Manager in the northern part of the country was approached by both traditional leaders and grassroots people who come out from the woods and take the front seat as a liberator. Several indigenes of Bombali told this press over the weekend that Philo has several success stories to tell on how has helped Makeni City develop over the years. “This time around we want to have him as our leader, which is why we are prevailing on him to make a good decision as to how and when he wants to rule us. We are ready to support him,” a Local Community Youth remarked and added that this is a defining moment in the politics of Bombali District.

 “He should answer our call because we see him as the game changer and the people’s choice,” he noted.

Kamara has considered this humble call, not as a favour, but one of an obligation and of a responsibility to liberate his people from decadence, political ignorance, and obscurity.

 He has not only felt obliged to give renewed hope to his people but also compelled to redefine the discourse surrounding political representation in this 21st century.

 He is an academic of long-standing, with enviable achievements and experience in public life. Until his dismissal, this man to watch was working with NATCOM as a Manager, at the Northern Regional Office on Ladies Mile, Makeni.

 He is described as a humble socialite whose interaction cuts across every nook and cranny within and without the Municipality. He is a grassroots personality who has touched the lives of many young people in Makeni and Bombali as a whole.

Le300 million tax fraud …President Bio deceived

By Abu Bakarr Kargbo

The National Revenue Authority (NRA) is charged with the responsibility of assessing and collecting domestic taxes, customs duties, and other revenues specified by law, as well as administering and enforcing laws relating to these revenues, and it has a mission of ensuring an effective administration of the Revenue System and facilitation of trade to enhance Government fiscal space for national development. Unfortunately, recent events unfolding seem to be putting the tax collection agency in a very bad light, especially at a time when the country is badly in need of revenue for development.

Two Senior NRA staffs are currently under investigation for an alleged crime of delaying the clearing of containers that are purportedly containing Free Quality Education textbooks. The two officials (names withheld until next edition) are have been suspended from their duty posts pending the investigations. By all indications, the team of investigators is currently looking into allegations of whether the consignee had deceived the Customs Department of the NRA with a false declaration through his Clearing Agent.

NRA’s CommissionerGeneral, Dr. Samuel Jibao, told this press last Tuesday in his office that his institution will further probe into the issue to see whether his staff had collected monies for the clearing of the containers. “If we find out that they collected money we are going to refer the matter to the ACC,” he revealed. 

What perhaps the Commissioner-General did not know is that the suspended workers have nothing to do with the delay of clearing the containers at the Port. This was clarified by the Commissioner of Customs Abu Martin Kanneh, who said although he decided to set the two staffs aside pending the investigations, he is of the view that they are not the cause for the delay, rather, the Agent entrusted by the Consignee to clear his goods has been causing the problems. 

What has come out is the fact that the document submitted by the Shipping Company did not tell that the containers are carrying Free Quality Education materials (textbook), which could have warranted the stuffs been cleared on the day of arrival. Investigations revealed that NRA Customs Officials had to charge the Consignee, through his agent, to pay about Le300 million to clear his goods based on the declaration made to them, which stipulated that the consignments were not Free Quality Education goods.  

Whether it was a trick made by the consignee to get his stuffs cleared without paying a dime, is something the team of investigators would have to prove. 

Sources at State House revealed how the Consignee sent a text message to the President informing him that he has brought Free Quality Education materials for which he was charged to pay customs duties and that the two suspended officials are responsible for the delay in clearing his goods., but the Commissioner of Customs had made it clear that his two staffs are not responsible for the delay. See next edition how revenue authorities are playing games to defraud the state. Investigations continue. 

570, 000 doses of COVID vaccines to arrive

By Abu Bakarr Kargbo

Health Minister Dr. Demby symbolically receiving the Johnson and Johnson vaccines from Africa CDC

Development Partners in Sierra Leone have commended the giant strides made by the government to tackle the third wave of the COVID-19. Speaking at a news conference on Thursday, representatives from the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), and Africa CDC; committed their organizations’ commitment to providing the right tools to make Sierra Leone free from the virus.

The commendations are coming at a time when Sierra Leone, which was flagged at level four by the CDC (high risk of the traveling country), has now moved to level one (low-risk country). Health Officials say the government will soon receive a total of 578, 000 doses of vaccines to boost its vaccination campaign across the country. The $4 million provided by the World Bank for the COVID-19 fight has been used to purchase 465, 000 doses of vaccines whilst the United States will provide 113, 000 doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine.  

Sierra Leone’s Health and Sanitation Minister, Dr. Austin Demby praised the donation of 52, 800 doses of the Johnson and Johnson Vaccines by the African Union to Sierra Leone, a move he described as very special, because, as he puts it “the consignment is coming at a time when the country has battled with three major waves”. Speaking on the ongoing vaccination surge, the Minister revealed major successes scored so far, adding that it took them five-month to get 150, 000 vaccinated nationwide before now. “Since we launched the ten days surge we are now having tens of thousands of people taking the vaccines daily. The ten days surge has shown a phenomenal result,” Dr. Demby said and furthered that the only challenge they are having is low turnout in the Western Area Rural and the Western Area Urban for which the government has decided to do another ten days surge with Tonkolili District inclusive. “We are hoping to get over a hundred thousand people vaccinated during the ten days surge,” he noted and went on to state that this is the best time to prepare for any further wave.

The Johnson and Johnson Vaccines, he said offer the advantage of ensuring full immunity with just a single dose. “This reduces the technical and logistical challenges involved in securing the vaccines and seeking people for their second doses vaccinations. This will certainly ensure a much easier and less expensive vaccination roll-out,” the Minister told his audience and thanked the African Union for the kind gesture and for other forms of support they have been providing to the country, including COVID-19 rapid antigen test kits, technical support to laboratory services, including gene sequencing technical capacity building.   

Chairman of the National Corona Virus Emergency Response Center (NaCOVERC), Dr. Sheku F. Bangura reiterated the fact that with the support of development partners and their workforce the country has successfully contained the third wave of the COVID-19. He further commended the African Union and the leadership of the country for making Sierra Leone access vaccines to fight COVID. “We are now redirecting our information dissemination effort to encourage people to get vaccinated,” he said and called for further supports from development partners to enable NaCOVERC to reach its goal, especially at a time like this when people are willing to take the vaccines.

Sotonye Dokado, Epidemiologist of the Africa CDC said the effort made by the government so far in the fight against COVID-19 is not difficult to recognize especially bringing the third wave under control. He assured that his organization will support the roll-out of the Johnson and Johnson vaccines and further assured that more vaccines will be provided soon.

WHO Country Representative Dr. Steven Velabo Shongwe commended the sustained reduced number of new infections and no death recorded in recent days. He told the meeting that vaccination is the most powerful tool to fight against COVID and other diseases. “The Johnson and Johnson vaccine is safe and particularly useful to rural communities because one shot is enough,” he said and continued by lauding the fact that more people are coming out for the vaccines, for which he said it is a good beginning that should be sustained. He assured of WHO’s continued support towards a successful fight against COVID.

Similar sentiments were expressed by the UNICEF Country Representative, Suleiman Braimoh who commended the increased availability and push for people to have access to the vaccines. “I am happy that the vaccines are made available and they are taken to the grassroots. UNICEF stands ready to work with the people to let them get vaccinated,” he assured.