Stop selling rice to neighbouring countries …Agriculture Minister tells Farmers

By Abu Bakarr Kargbo

The Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food Security, Professor Monty Richard Jones led a delegation that included his Deputy Minister II, Mr. Lovell Thomas and other senior Ministry Officials to meet with Farmers, Ministry Workers and other relevant stakeholders to assess the situation on the ground and also see how his Ministry could work with farmers to make agriculture a business venture. The Minister and his entourage visited Port Loko, Kambia, Bombali and Tonkolili Districts; where meetings and site visit on various agricultural projects was held.

One of the key messages conveyed by the Minister to farmers is for them to increase production and productivity. Prof. Monty Jones warned farmers to stop selling rice to neighbouring countries, adding that every farmer wants to make money, but this is the time to make money in their own country. “Selling your rice in neighbouring countries will make you run at loss,” he said, noting further that “we should move from subsistence farming and go into business farming proper to enable you develop yourselves and the nation.”

“Please increase productivity and production and stop practicing things that are not good for the sector,” he told farmers.

The Minister said is impressed with the progress made so far in various districted he visited and pledged to bring back most of the dilapidated and non-functioning Agriculture Business Centres (ABCs) back to operation.

He further revealed that his Ministry want women and youths to be actively involved in the actualization of the President’s vision in agriculture. The youths, he should be responsible citizens, which is why government want to support them to have their own SMEs.

The Agriculture Minister informed farmers that President Koroma wants to see prosperity in every Sierra Leonean and would want them to be eating food produced in the country.

Spoke on Global Vision on agriculture and how they can contribute to agriculture development in the country. He wants farmers to increased productivity not only on rice but also on cassava, sweet potato, beans, cattle, cashew and other cash crops. The next thing, he said is to increase income by adding value to their produce and be ready to take their goods to the market.

He advised Farmers to work towards making Sierra Leone become an industrialized society. One of the strategies to apply towards this goal, he said is to increase their yield and machinery. “You can get power tillers not only tractors. When the soil is well tilled and fertilizer added it will increase on the yield. Try to use fertilizer to get enough quality seeds for each planting season,” says the Minister, noting further that farmers should learn to change their seed stock every three years to avoid problems.

He encouraged them to be part of one of the ABCs so that they get seeds at a low cost.

Government, he said will recapitalize the Apex Bank and his Ministry is expecting $19million this year; of which $12million will go to Community Banks to loan farmers and $7million will be at the Apex Bank.

“Do not be afraid to go in for loan only that you should be ready to pay back to avoid embarrassment. Government is there to provide opportunities and we expect you to change with times so that you become prosperous and contribute to national development,” Prof. Jones said.

Failure, he said is not part of him. He concluded by calling on Agriculture Workers to make their presence felt everywhere to provide technical advice and other support to farmers.

Heads of the Councils in the four distriocts as well and Paramount Chiefs and District Agriculture Officers congratulated the Minister on his appointment. They pledged their support and commitment to ensure that the agriculture sector becomes a more viable one and would step up effective monitoring so that the sector provides the expected result.Prof. Monty JOnes

Massive welcome for Prof. Monty Jones at Rokupr

By Abu Bakarr Kargbo

The entry of the new Agriculture Minister in Rokupr received a red carpet welcome like the Lord Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. The people of Rukupr Town in the Kambia District came out with their musical instruments, drumming, singing and dancing to welcome the new Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food Security, Prof. Richard Monty Jones on Thursday 18th February 2016. The visit to Rokupr is part if the Minister’s Nationwide tour to assess the successes and challenges faced in the agriculture sector, and also address farmers, staff and other key stakeholders in the sector.
The Minister was placed on a hammock followed by a jubilant crowd through the main streets of the town unto the Rice Research Station where he addressed them. Prof. Jones spent thirteen years working at the Station before proceeding to work overseas. As one of one hundred most influential people in the world, the Agriculture Minister recognise himself as part of the people in Rokupr. The people are in turn confident that the Minister’s leadership will bring back what they have missed during his days at the Research Station.
Though he has been honoured with Chieftaincy titles in several parts of the world and with several awards and laurels, he is appreciative of the fact that for the first time he is being carried with an hammock.IMG_20160218_175320

Addressing the people, Prof. Monty Jones said he is impressed with the developments that has taken place in Rokupr Town and Research Station, adding that he is willing enough to solve the problems highlighted by the previous speakers. He informed his audience that President Koroma has the people at heart, which is why he always want to make a difference. “He is willing to boost agriculture production and increase productivity so our farmers have the capacity to be like others in developed nations,” he said, and added that in the not too distant future, transformation will take place in the agriculture sector. “I will ensure that the Research Station gets its lost glory,” the Minister assured.
The Agriculture also had the opportunity to address his colleagues Scientists and staff at the Research Station on Friday. He informed them that research is an important sector in the development of the country because it brings about good technology that enhances economic growth. Sierra Leone, he said has everything it takes to serve as breadbasket of the Africa. “The country is suited for exporting rice to other countries,” he said, and added that research plays a key role in all this.
Prof. Jones revealed that one of the mandates given to him by His Excellency the President is to increase production and productivity, which is a key message he is taking to farmers and other relevant stakeholders across the country.
“If we continue with subsistence farming, this country will never achieve food security,” he said. He encouraged farmers to transform their potentials to providing enough food for the nation. Food, he said should be available, affordable, accessible and sustainable. He reiterated the fact the Commercial Agriculture must be part of them because it pays a lot. “We should add value to our produce and market them well,” the Minister advised farmers, and pledged his Ministry’s support to transform farming activities in the country.


The Governor of the Bank of Sierra Leone has called the implementation of the National Switch in Sierra Leone, “ascendance to a critical global financial norm essential to reposition the economy as an attractive and competitive destination for foreign direct investment.”

Speaking with Insight Magazine, Governor Momodu Lamin Kargbo indicated that on completion the National Switch will provide the foundation of an intergenerational change in the tools of payment in Sierra Leone, from mainly cash to electronic because of its safety, convenience and reliability. This, he said, will entice use of modern payment technologies at a scale that will mirror the country’s embrace of the mobile telephone.

He declared that the National Switch will integrate Sierra Leone into the global financial system, thus ensuring that investors and the expatriate community in the country can seamlessly conduct financial transactions locally using Cards and other devices issued in their countries. He emphasized that this development is critical if Sierra Leone should take its rightful place in the global financial sphere and attract international investors.

Drawing attention to global security imperatives, Governor Momodu Kargbo noted that there is a general surge in global apprehension about the resilience of national financial systems to the manipulations of terrorist organisations; therefore the capacity to account for and detect illicit transactions that could aid terrorism or undermine global financial integrity is critical for a country’s security rating. A national switch for Sierra Leone do not only enhance the country’s financial security capacity but it is also an effective means of assuring the country’s international and multilateral partners that Sierra Leone is contributing to global efforts aimed at strengthening the sanctity and resilience of financial systems security.

He said the Bank of Sierra Leone was fully committed to the implementation of the National Switch Project which is expected to be fully functional by end 2016. The Sierra Leone Association of Commercial Banks have also expressed similar commitments. The Governor assures that a full scale national sensitization in all the local languages will be undertaken to mobilise the population before the National Switch go live.

He noted also that the requisite supportive requirements to assure the efficacy of the National Switch, such as, continuous and uninterrupted electricity and IT connectivity is being given the upmost attention, especially from the point of servicing the most rural parts of the country. He said he was optimistic that no part of Sierra Leone will be left out.Bank Governor

Attorney General meets with Paramount Chiefs …discusses justice development

Sierra Leone’s Attorney General and Minister of Justice, Joseph Fitzgerald Kamara on Saturday 6th February 2016 had an interactive meeting with Paramount Chiefs from the north to discuss issues of justice development at Chiefdom level and map out strategies to ensure that quality justice prevail in their localities. The meeting, which also served as a social interaction between the Paramount Chiefs and the Attorney General and Minister of Justice was held in the conference room of Where Else Guest House in Makeni.

Addressing twenty one Paramount Chiefs, the Attorney General recalled when he was invited by his boss, His Excellency President Dr. Ernest Bai Koroma to come from the international scene at the Special Court for Sierra Leone to serve as the country’s head of the Anti-Corruption Commission. “I am happy to receive another call from my boss to help in the justice system,” he said, of which he commended President Koroma for his good leadership in the country and for maintaining a good working relationship with Paramount Chiefs.

“H.E. wants us to understand your needs and help to address them,” he told the PCs, noting further that he will soon conduct a nationwide Justice Assessment tour, so as to address the so many challenges faced in the sector. “We don’t want the injustice that led to the rebel war to come again,” says JFK, noting further that he is planning to put in place a simple system like Municipal Courts that address petty matters and also have a alternative sentence system. “I will continue to reduce backlog cases and ensure that more Judges are appointed to reside in the regions,” he said.

The Statistician General, Mohamed King Koroma said the justice sector has gone through lots of challenges over the years. He revealed his institution has been enjoying a good working relationship with the judiciary. Very soon, he said Statisticians will be attached to the judiciary to capture the number of cases in each of the courts. He commended the Paramount Chiefs and their subjects for making the census a successful one, noting that provisional figures will be out by end of March, whilst the final census result is expected in December this year.

The Host Paramount Chief, PC Bai Sebora Kasanga II of Bombali Sebora Chiefdom, thanked the Attorney General for the initiative. “You have made lots of sacrifices that has made us proud of you,” he said, and concluded by assuring of support from Paramount Chiefs.

The meeting in Makeni is facilitated by a Community Based Organization, Common Goal Advocate, which comprise of young people from different professions. Stanley Bangura Junior, a member of the organization said they came together with the aim of fostering development in Makeni and the nation at large. He told his audience that it is an independent development centered organization that deals with issues like governance, poverty reduction etc.

Raymond Kamara who earlier spoke on the purpose of the meeting, said the appointment of the Attorney General has paved the way for a greater success.AG


The Chairman and a team of commissioners of the Independent Media Commission has in it tour of the provinces to assess what obtains in the media landscape outside Freetown visited the newly established City Media Centre, a media outfit that houses HOPE FM:93.3 ,Provincial Times Newspaper and Stanley’s Media Consultancy on Field road, Makeni City.

On arrival at the edifice, the CEO of City Media Centre who doubles as SLAJ Vice President Stanley Bangura Jr welcome the members of the country’s media regulator and took them on a conducted tour of the building before settling in the centre’s conference room for briefing.

In his address to the visiting chairman and commissioners, Stanley said the centre is solely owned and that it establishment was informed by the need to address journalist welfare issues as the many call by them for media employers to pay keen attention to journalists welfare issues was seemingly unachievable, hence, he went on to state that he intends to use the centre to work the talk. He said the new centre is set to recruit and train professionals with the help of senior colleagues that have passion for professionalism in the Sierra Leone media. He assured the commission that the centre will comply with the laws and work towards making it a different kind of media outfit that will lead by example.

IMC desk officer North Kelfala Samura thanks the centre CEO for the laudable effort he took in making the difference in the media particularly the provinces, he informed the commission of the support and cooperation he had enjoy from Mr Bangura in all his work.

The IMC chairman, Amb Allieu Kanu in his address said , he don’t want to see a Sierra Leone where there are only two radios, Star radio and the rest, but rather Star radio, Hope FM 93.3 and the rest. He describes the CEO Stanley Bangura as exemplarily practical and not a vovuzella. He describes the media centre as second to none in the provinces and called on other media practitioners to emulate the good example. He assured the CEO that, the IMC is readily available whenever needed.

In her contribution, the broadcast representative at the IMC Patricia Ghandah said she was not surprise at the CEO’s ability and capability to greet journalists with surprises, she however advised against the recruitment of non-productive staff, she said the CEO should consider starting small and expanding big in the near future for sustainability.

Print media representative, Commissioner James Williams expressed gratitude to the CEO for his consideration in investing in the media; he encouraged Mr Bangura to expedite the process publishing the newspaper before the end of the month. He warned against any shift in the newspaper policy presented to them at the commission.

Speaker after speaker sang songs of praises for the enterprise undertaken by the SLAJ VP who doubles as the centre CEO, they challenged others to do the same in order to redeem the media from unnecessary actors that have for long kept a strangle hold on the media media


The International Finance Corporation (IFC) has on Thursday 11th February 2016 in a one day workshop engage Commercial Banks Board Members on the cooperate governance issue.

In her statement, International Finance Corporation (IFC) Advisory Service Coordinator Ms. Sese Gadzekpo said the workshop is to enlighten commercial banks board members about best practices in the banking sector which she said will add value to their operations. She stated that the aim of IFC is poverty reduction in the world, the reason why they have been supporting financial institutions and businesses by educating them about corporate governance and other best practices. She explained that they have been partnering with Bank of Sierra Leone since 2014 and are currently working with other thirty institutions to develop corporate governance. She maintained that the workshop is to raise public awareness about the need for corporate governance practice in the country.

In his bid to reposition the financial sector to enhance its contributions to economic development through financial intermediation carried out in a safe and sound banking environment, the Governor of the Bank of Sierra Leone, Mr Momodu L Kargbo, called on Members of the Board Of Directors of commercial banks to be aware, at all times, of their ultimate responsibility for safe and sound banking practices in their bank.

While delivering the Keynote Address, Governor Kargbo admonished Board Members not to take lightly their obligations under the Bank of Sierra Leone and the Banking Acts 2011 to oversee their banks’ full adherence to all the relevant regulatory and prudential guidelines issued by the Bank of Sierra Leone. He warned that where Board Members fail in their obligations, the Bank of Sierra Leone, as by Law prescribed, has powers in both Acts to take several different actions depending on the gravity of the breach. These actions, he noted, could involve a fine, termination or suspension etc.

Governor Kargbo also drew the attention of the Board Members to their overall responsibility for the conduct of their Bank. He reminded them that the interpretation of this responsibility stretches far below the actions of the immediate Management. He therefore called on them to take the Corporate Governance workshop seriously as it will arm them, as Board Members, with the requisite skills to carry out their regulatory and strategic management responsibility in their banks.

In her presentation, Mrs. Jacqueline Williams IFC consultant highlighted the benefits of corporate governance which includes among others achieving better operational result, ensuring accountability, accessing capital or reducing cost of capital and facing external market pressures. She added that corporate governance deals with four pillars which are accountability, fairness, transparency and responsibility. The board she said is at the heart of the corporate governance, adding there are three major areas that determine the effectiveness of a board. This includes board roles and responsibilities, board composition and structure and board procedures.

The workshop was climaxed with a roundtable discussion by participants.

Anglican Diocese extends Ebola prevention kits to schools

The Anglican Diocese of Freetown has with support from the Trinity Church in the United States of America, is providing Ebola prevention kits to its Mission Schools in the country. After a successful handing over of the said items to selected schools in the Western Area, Dean of the Cathedral and Bishop’s Commissary, Emerson Thomas was joined by his Arch Deacon, Reverend Canon Joseph M. Khamara and other senior officials from the Diocese on Thursday 11th February 2016 presented Ebola disease consignments to schools in the north. The Saint Francis of Assisi Pre-School at Kent Village, saint James Anglican Primary School and Bishop Scott Memorial Secondary School at Masiaka, Charles Oliver Anglican Pre-School, Sierra Leone Church Primary School and Schlenker Secondary School in Port Loko, Sierra Leone Church Primary School and Bishop Wilson Junior Secondary School at Lunsar, Holy Trinity Pre-School and Shierra Leone Church Primary School in Makeni; where the school that received the items from the Anglican Diocese in Freetown.

Items donated to each school include: thermometer, soap, hand sanitizer, gloves, ORS, waste bucket, Acqua tabs (chorine), detol and veronica bucket.

Addressing pupils and staff in the various schools, Dean Emerson Thomas said after realizing the government and people went through in the fight against Ebola, the Diocese decided to provide the Ebola prevention kits so as to stop the resurgence of the of the disease. Ebola, he said is devastating and that the country is fighting completely eradicate it. “We are presenting this items to you in order to preserve your health,” he said and added that the items must be used to prevent staff and pupils from being infected.

Reverend Canon Joseph Khamara in his words of encouragement said in spite of the fact that the Ebola Disease killed lots of people; they should be focused and follows prevention methods. He added that school authorities and pupils should not be complacent but must try to preserve their lives and remain healthy at all times. He admonished them to wash their hands after using the toilet and before eating any food.

The Principal of Schlenker Secondary School, Chernor S. Kamara said the items did not come as a surprise, owing to the fact that the Bishop and Members of the Anglican Church always have their schools at heart. He thanked the Holy Trinity Church in New York for the donation, which he promised to use for its intended purpose. Similar sentiments were expressed by Madam Isatu Sesay, Betty Goba, Michael Conteh, Mrs. Gladys Dauda, Joseph Coker,Rev. Sheriff A. Sankoh, Magaret Sheriff Bangura and Yayah Mansaray of Saint Francis of Assisi Pre-School at Kent Village, Saint James Anglican Primary School and Bishop Scott Memorial Secondary School at Masiaka, Charles Oliver Anglican Pre-School, Sierra Leone Church Primary School in Port Loko, Sierra Leone Church Primary School and Bishop Wilson Junior Secondary School at Lunsar, Holy Trinity Pre-School and Shierra Leone Church Primary School in Makeni respectively. More donations are expecting in the coming week.


Rotten pre-paid meters destroying houses in Sierra Leone

Sierra Leoneans’ energy needs keep increasing everyday as one of the challenges facing the nation is the supply of uninterrupted and quality supply of electricity. When President Dr. Ernest Bai Koroma ascended the throne of the presidency, improving the quality and supply of electricity remains top on his agenda. His effort however is been shrouded by so many saboteurs whose quest to destroy the President’s uninterrupted electricity priority has come to the limelight.

Many Sierra Leoneans that are affected by the poor management and distribution of pre-paid meters are now calling on the President and Ministry of Energy and Power to overhaul Electricity Distribution and Supply Authority, which is been tagged as the causers of the much fire incidents in the city.

Amongst the several reforms introduced in the Ministry of Energy and the EDSA to improve on the status quo is the distribution or replacement of meters, which seems to be serving as a curse rather than a blessing.

With the introduction of the pre-paid meter system, there has been some improvement in the revenue generation of EDSA, but on the other hand most customers are not happy with what they referred to ‘rotten pre-paid’ meters installed in their houses that are causing more harm than good.

The Sierra Leone Peoples Party Member of Parliament representing Constituency 068 in Bo District, Hon. Foday Rado Yokie, as a customer of EDSA suggested recently that the protection clause covering EDSA must be removed from the institution. His suggestion came after series of fire disasters in the city as people continue to blame the rotten meters installed by EDSA in their private homes, officers and business places.

Hon. Yokie stated that the immunity clause be repealed so that consumers will be at liberty to sue EDSA for negligence if as a result of any fire incident in their various houses and if they feel aggrieved they can take the matter to court for arbitration and if found wanting they pay the cost.

Since the entity is no more 100% government owned, the SLPP MP said don’t need immunity any more.

He further disclosed that he will bring up a Motion in Parliament so that the former NPA Bill be brought to Parliament for amendment, especially the area that talks about immunity, which has become burdensome to consumers.

It can be recalled recently, the Chief Fire Force Officer of the National Fire Force, Nassir Kamanda Bongay informed the public that 75 percent of fire disasters are caused by electrical problems. Since he made this disclosure, authorities at EDSA have been spending sleepless night thinking of how they could solve the problem, little are they realizing that the much talked about pre-paid meters are causing problems in houses. A good number of personnel are currently under investigation prior to the fire incident that gutted the 3rd Floor of Electricity House.

Many customers with new ‘rotten prepaid meters’ are now worried, and are calling on the authorities to take steps in order to rescue them from recurrences of fire disasters in the city. The World Bank initiated a US$16 million Energy Access Project for Sierra Leone with objectives to reduce losses in electricity supply in Freetown Capital Western Area, improve commercial performance of the EDSA and increase access to electricity in selected rural areas. Has this yielded any dividend? See next edition.EDSA